Red X Emoji DON’T delete this email Red X Emoji
Red X Emoji DON’T ignore our message Red X Emoji
Red X Emoji DON’T give Republicans the satisfaction Red X Emoji

There are three critical things we need you to know:

1 → House Republicans elected the most extreme Speaker – election-denier Mike Johnson – in history, after an unprecedented 22 days of total chaos.

2 → Johnson raised a shocking $5.4 MILLION in one single week to ensure Democrats NEVER hold power again.

3 → Jamie Raskin just issued a DISTRESSING warning about Republicans’ corruption – and called on EVERY grassroots Democrat to join the fight to safeguard our democracy.

Jamie Raskin: "With [Republicans] it's rule or ruin. Either they want to rule everything or ruin our chances of progressing."

If we don’t RUSH into action immediately, we’ll have no chance at catching up to Johnson’s haul and stopping his schemes to tear down Democrats’ HISTORIC progress. Jamie’s been working around the clock to protect our democracy from Republican attacks, hold election-denying Republicans like Mike Johnson accountable, and END Johnson’s chaotic reign for good. And we have a once-in-a-generation chance to elect a HISTORIC number of Democrats like Jamie – who have the guts to stand up to Johnson’s schemes – into office in 2024 and secure a Democratic Majority. Our donors recognize just how MASSIVE this moment is they agreed to a NEW 500% MATCH on all contributions to this message – but ONLY until our End-of-Month deadline in 72 hours. That’s where you come in: If 1,500 grassroots Democrats step up and heed Jamie’s DIRE warning, we’ll secure the funds to fight back against Johnson and his Republicans, rush support to BOLD Democrats like Jamie running in tight races, and take back the House. Can you rush in a 500% MATCHED $15 right away? With so much on the line, we know Jamie will be ecstatic to see you on the roster of supporters.? >>


FOR: John xxxxxx
5X-MATCH ID: #112237031

Use your one-time 5X-MATCH verification ID to QUINTUPLE your Democratic donation. The match will ONLY be open for the next 72 hours.



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