John, I’m about to explain why I critically need your help to reclaim the House for Democrats. But if you’re short on time and can’t read my entire message, it would mean so much to me if you could chip in $15 before you log off >>

I need you to understand why donations from my 2024 Democratic Members are so critical:

1. Top election forecasters revealed 11 Republican seats are total toss-ups.

2. Democrats only need to flip FOUR to take back the House.

3. MAGA Republicans are panicking – and flocking to their mega-donors for help.

John, MAGA Republicans can feel their razor-thin majority slipping away – and they will do ANYTHING to keep their grip on power. We can’t let that happen. As you read this, everyone’s waiting to see how much money Democrats can raise before our crucial End of Month Deadline. The early investments we make now are critical to our future success. I only need 2,627 more Democratic Members to step up before midnight to help close the budget gap, reclaim our House majority, and hand the right-wing extremists a humiliating defeat. That’s why I’m asking: Will you send in $15 – or whatever you can spare – before it’s too late? >>

NAME: John xxxxxx
ID: #105603146

As Democrats, we have a clear decision to make at this consequential moment:

– We can either let MAGA mega-donors buy this election and ruin our historic shot to flip the House…

– Or, we can blow our End of Month fundraising goal out of the water, rush resources to battleground districts all across the country, and clinch the victories we need to take back the House.

I only have 72 more hours until my crucial End of Month Deadline – and I need 2,627 more supporters to activate their 2024 Democratic Membership before midnight to hit my fundraising goal and outraise Republicans.

John. I need you by my side now more than ever before. So I’m personally asking: Will you help with $15 to ensure we have the resources to compete with the right-wing mega-donors, fund our most critical races, and win back the House? It would mean so much if I could see your name on our list of donors tonight >>

Thank you,



Suzan DelBene is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Growing up, Suzan saw her parents struggle to make ends meet. She first ran for Congress because she saw that working families like hers needed someone to have their backs.

Now, as DCCC Chairwoman, she’s leading the charge to elect Democrats in every corner of our country, stick up for every American family, and deliver real change in Washington. Will you chip in any amount before midnight to help Suzan defeat Republican extremism and flip the House?


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