Those who know how our government works have warned me not to do this. They know that if I release OMG’s next investigation, they will come for me.
O'Keefe Media Group
O'Keefe Media Group Donation Page Dear Friend,

Those who know how our government works have warned me not to do this. 

They know that if I release OMG’s next investigation, they will come for me . . . but that’s already started, and I’ll get to that in a minute.

Next week, OMG will begin releasing a story about the most feared government organization in Washington . . . the United States Intelligence Community (IC).

To finish and prepare for this release, will you back OMG with a contribution today?

The IC is the umbrella organization for the federal government's collective intelligence agencies, including the CIA, NSA, Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and about thirteen other agencies.

Every politician and bureaucrat in Washington is terrified of the Intelligence Community. But Why?

It’s pretty simple: If you cross them in any way, they have dirt on you. And if you're squeaky clean, they’ll create dirt on you.

In his recent interview on the Joe Rogan Podcast, Tucker Carlson said, "They're worried about someone putting kiddie p0rn on their computer; members of Congress are TERRIFIED of the intelligence agencies. I'm not guessing at that; they've told me that."

Even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. firmly believes that the CIA had something to do with his uncle’s assassination and does not believe that Sirhan Sirhan acted alone in the assassination of his father in 1968. 

President John F. Kennedy fired the longest serving and first civilian director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, after the botched Bay of Pigs Invasion and reportedly wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.

No elected official has stood up to the Intelligence Community as JFK did. We don't need to wonder why.

I’ve been resigned to my fate for years and cannot do my job under a cloak of fear. When you take on the most powerful organizations in the world, from Pfizer to BlackRock and now the Intel Community, you have to be willing to lose everything, even your life.

OMG's work is too important to start backing down now, so next week, we're dropping bombshell reporting, and nothing will stop that. 

But in the meantime, I need your help to keep our work flowing. Our travel expenses are climbing, and the resources we need to check sources and ensure our reporting is rock-solid are becoming a heavy burden. Will you chip in to help cover our costs today?

I need to raise $42,600 between now and next week to catch up on our expenses and cover the next investigation. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated.

Now, I mentioned that they’ve already come for me. And I’m not surprised.

This week, a former FBI agent, Kyle Seraphin, published intimate text messages between me and my significant other. Kyle was confronted and stammered and bumbled in his attempt to defend his gross actions.

But guys like Kyle don't matter. What matters is HOW he obtained the messages.

Is this what Tucker Carlson meant when he said members of Congress are terrified of the Intel Community?

We’ll find out soon enough.

Stay tuned, and please support our work by donating today. I have just days to meet my fundraising goal so that we can keep going, and I can’t let fear slow us down.

Thank you for all that you do.

In Truth,

James O’Keefe
Founder and CEO
O'Keefe Media Group

O'Keefe Media Group

15 E Market St #6103
Leesburg, VA 20178
