Friend, There are just a few days left to cast your ballot with our friends at CREDO Mobile for a chance at winning up to $35,000 in grant funding in support of our Defend the Black Vote program – People For the American Way Foundation’s proven, effective get out the vote campaign that has mobilized millions of low propensity Black male voters. Taking just a few minutes of your time to cast your ballot for us will increase the amount of grant funding we receive (up to $35,000) that would support this vitally important work in an election year where every last vote will make a difference. Voting ends in just a few days, so please don’t wait. Thanks for all that you do. – People For ----[previous message]---- Supporter, We need your vote! People For the American Way Foundation has a chance at winning up to $35,000 in grant funding that would help us accelerate the growth of our programs, including our Defend the Black Vote campaign which has had a huge impact on turning out less frequent voters throughout the country. And we need your vote to win! Since 2020, our Defend the Black Vote campaign has inspired millions of infrequent Black male voters to cast their ballots in key states across the country. Our focus is specific and strategic: hard-to-reach Black male voters between the ages of 18-60, who have only voted in one of three or four of the last election cycles. Our program is one of the largest get-out-the-vote programs directly focused on these voters. We reach these voters where they live, with targeted advertising, church-based engagement, and peer-to-peer texting. Through our data-driven and research-based approach, we’ve connected with over 4 million Black voters and gotten them the information they needed on when, where, and how to cast their vote. By casting your vote for us with CREDO, it will allow us to expand this vital work in an election year when voter misinformation by bad actors is likely to be extensive. Help empower People For to fight back against these efforts to suppress the vote with just a few clicks. Thanks for all that you do, People For the American Way Foundation