Lauren Underwood For Congress

Hey John,

We’re reaching out today with an important request:

Will you contribute $4, $14 or any amount that works for you toward our upcoming end-of-month goal on Tuesday? We’ll explain in a moment why it’s important >>>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’ve experienced a fundraising slump this entire month, leaving more for us to make up in these final days of April.

Our finance director, Emma, has reminded us that we still need to raise $5,492 from email contributions by midnight on Tuesday in order to reach our monthly target.

Need more convincing? We’re contending with one of the most extreme House Republican majorities we’ve ever been up against and doing all we can to protect our progress and stop the GOP from stripping Americans’ rights and hard-earned benefits.

Lauren is standing up to GOP obstructionists who are threatening to cut social safety programs including Social Security and Medicare. Let's be clear — not on her watch. She’s working hard to pass the Social Security 2100 Act to boost Social Security benefits by increasing payments, reducing penalties for some recipients, and ensuring easier access to services.

Lauren summed it up well: “By supporting the Social Security 2100 Act, we are helping [Baby] Boomers, and Gen X and Gen Z and Millennials like me and we are protecting Social Security for generations to come.”

She focuses on solutions to ensure that working families have what they need to pay bills and afford groceries while making our communities safer for everyone. And she counts on your support to keep us moving forward.

John, will you chip in any amount you’re able to support Lauren and our efforts to do more for working families in the Illinois’ 14th district and nationwide?


Thank you,

— Team Underwood