Alan is one of the most amazing men I know, a fearless fighter for the TRUTH! 

Dear Members and Friends,
There's not much I can do about this sitting Biden presidency and my two local self-hating, Jewish congresspeople, Lois Frankel and Jared Moskowitz, except speak out and campaign against them and their evil Democrat Party until the next election comes along. 
But I can and will overtly show contempt for those Jewish friends, relatives and neighbors of mine, who voted, as mindless robots, for this dangerous gang of America/Jew haters, who now control our suicidal foreign and domestic policies. 
This nation, during Biden's short, disastrous reign, has been brought to its knees and is now in danger of being immersed in a world war for which we are poorly prepared and for which we will surely pay a high price. 
And for this, I blame those who cast their ballots to bring them to power. Specifically, Leftist Jews.
Why do I single this group out? Because they are my brethren. 
They should know better. 
I once thought politically, as they did. But I matured, mentally. 
It has been only 79 years since Holocaust #1 and the history of that event should still be fresh in their minds to warn them that the steps to Holocaust #2 are being repeated...now. And they are in the forefront of replicating that calamity. 
Look how they supported the candidacy of Jew/Israel/America hater, Obama, knowing full well his membership in a hateful church for over 20 years. 
Did they not know of his loyalty and devotion to both Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan? 
Just Google, "Photo of Obama and Farrakhan" and see what you get. 
Look at Senator Schumer, a Jew, who recently called for the unseating of Israel's Prime Minister in the midst of their war with Hamas. A crippling move welcomed by Israel's enemies. 
And where was the rebuke by Chuck's Jewish colleagues from both sections of Congress on his statement? None! 
They made Hamas smile. 
And where was the whole horde of Jewish Congresspeople who should have squashed the likes of the Jew/Israel hating squad, led by Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, when they called for, "From the River to the Sea?" 
They sat cowardly on their fat asses. Did and said nothing.
This shameful behavior-of-silence on Jewish Democrats' part has led to the current Jew hating outrages on college campuses. 
These modern-day Nazis know they have nothing to fear from the Democrat President or his Jewish Congresspeople, mayors and community leaders. 
At the moment of this writing, President Biden seems unconcerned, if not ignorant of this Holocaust II taking place on our campuses and soon to be in our communities. 
How long before the BLM and ANTIFA thugs take to the streets? 
Colleges are already being closed due to "threats." 
How long before our rabbis tell us to, "Pray at home. The shul is too dangerous for you to attend." 
Believe me, it's coming. Right here, in Boca Raton, where I live, we have at least two major rabbis who proudly belong to T'ruah, a "Jewish" group of what many have considered to be anti-Israel. 
Look them up. PLEASE!!!!! I have not seen them speak out on the Jew hating on campuses or warn us of the current Holocaust. To what party do you think they belong?
I've written enough about my contempt for Jewish Democrats and their refusal to speak out against those they've put in power. 
But I will fight, tooth and nail against them until they wake up. 
I promise. 
Please join me.

Alan Bergstein
[email protected]

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