If we’re going to pass the policies needed to achieve progress and justice for all, we can’t afford to lose a single member of the Squad.

Justice Democrats


Justice Democrats and a coalition of progressive groups are currently racing against the clock to raise $100,000 for the Squad before April ends. Before we ask if you can pitch in, we want to talk about what exactly the Squad is fighting for and what’s at stake in this year’s elections.

The Squad represents the multiracial, multi-generational, multi-faith solidarity of everyday people coming together across this country and across the world who are demanding a ceasefire, who refuse to stay silent in the face of genocide, and who are fighting with everything they’ve got for a world where we can all live with dignity and thrive.

They are unapologetically the most progressive voices in Congress and tirelessly advocate for the people. From pushing for the Green New Deal to supporting striking workers to leading the call for a lasting ceasefire, the Squad’s shown that they will always prioritize people over profit, peace over war, and our planet over corporate extraction.

They’ve successfully pushed the party to embrace a more progressive vision, and their voices are sorely needed. To further build the bloc so that we can expand on all the good work the Squad has already accomplished means protecting these progressive incumbents from the corporate and right-wing cash being spent against them.

John, can you split a donation to Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Justice Democrats right now to help us re-elect them?

Imagine what our communities, country, and world would be like if our government stopped funding forever wars and prioritizing corporate profits, and instead invested in us, the people.

Imagine what life would be like with:

That, and much more, is what every single member of the Squad is fighting for.

They’re some of the few leaders in Congress rejecting the status quo and leading the fight for these long overdue policies, which is why we can’t afford to lose a single one of them to AIPAC’s right-wing megadonor-funded attacks this election year.

The Squad and Justice Democrats are fueled by small-dollar, grassroots donations from people like you. If you can afford to, please consider splitting a contribution to help us raise $100,000 for our priority races before Tuesday’s midnight deadline.

Contribute $5

We can’t afford to lose their courage and leadership in Congress in a time like this. Thanks for anything you can give to fuel our work to protect the Squad.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats