From ADL Education <[email protected]>
Subject Connect 3 Resources for You
Date April 7, 2020 1:07 PM
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Dear John,

Welcome to the second issue of Connect 3: Online Resources for Students, Teachers and Families.

In honor of National Poetry Month, this week&rsquo;s focus is poetry. In challenging times, reading poetry can provide comfort and connection. Writing poems can help us express our deepest thoughts and emotions.

1: Students

For ages 8 and up,
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these activities provide an opportunity for students to read poems about heritage, learn about different poetry elements and write their own heritage poems.


2: Teachers

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Who Am I? Identity Poems , an elementary lesson, to help students explore different aspects of their identity through reading and writing poetry.


3: Families and Communities

Explore heritage and culture by reading and discussing our Book of the Month
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I Remember: Poems and Pictures of Heritage , which includes conversation starters and talking points for families.


If you have a moment, we welcome any feedback and ideas for resources that would be helpful to you.

We continue to send best wishes for safety and good health to all.

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