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German police shut down Palestine Congress in Berlin

German police shut down Palestine Congress in Berlin

By Andrew Johnson An anti-imperialist Palestine Congress “against German complicity in the genocide in Gaza” was planned for Berlin from April 12-14.. (junge Welt, April 15).  Before police shut it down, the congress discussed the recent charges in the International Court of Justice, including South Africa’s charges accusing Israel of . . .

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Taking protests from the streets to the sea

Taking protests from the streets to the sea

The following article first appeared on the Resistance News Network, April 22. In two days, 1,000 people from around the world will board the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in a heroic attempt to break the siege on Gaza and deliver thousands of tons of aid, preparing to do what neighboring countries . . .

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Workers World:  May Day means ‘Solidarity with Palestine’

Workers World:  May Day means ‘Solidarity with Palestine’

May Day is a day of solidarity with workers everywhere. This year’s priority is to support the besieged Palestinian people in their struggle against U.S.-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza – in every type of action, everywhere. Workers World newspaper has given prominent coverage to the racist Israeli state’s war against . . .

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Finally! DA admits hiding evidence in Melissa Lucio’s case

Finally! DA admits hiding evidence in Melissa Lucio’s case

Houston The prosecution, the defense and the judge  all agree now that evidence hidden by the Cameron County District Attorney from Melissa Lucio’s trial counsel should cause the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to reverse her conviction! Rally for Melissa by the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement held in Houston, . . .

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Money for war, but not for the poor

Money for war, but not for the poor

The Supreme Court of the United States is set to begin hearings in April on a high-profile case that could potentially make it a crime to be homeless. The case of the City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Gloria Johnson will consider whether a local government can outlaw sleeping outside . . .

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New York Times censorship for imperialism: All the words you cannot say

New York Times censorship for imperialism: All the words you cannot say

Since October 7, the New York Times has had no trouble filling its pages with stories that fit its narrative that Palestinians are the aggressors in their conflict with Israel. And if you only go by the Times’ scenarios, there was no conflict between Palestinians and Israelis before October 7, . . .

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U.S. student encampments demand: Divest from Israeli apartheid!

U.S. student encampments demand: Divest from Israeli apartheid!

April 22 – The global struggle in solidarity with the Palestinians against the horrific U.S./Israeli genocide since October 7 has become a major focus on U.S. college campuses. Prestigious Columbia University, located in Harlem, New York, has become ground zero in the campaign to divest funds supporting the apartheid Israeli . . .

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Bipartisan backing for genocide

Bipartisan backing for genocide

The movement in the U.S. that has taken on the challenge of stopping the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide against Palestine has raised three big “NOs”: No invasion of Rafah! No U.S. arms to Israel! No war on Iran! Besides killing or wounding more than 100,000 Gaza inhabitants, half of them children, . . .

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