FDPS President & CEO Dr. Kevin Sabet and FDPS EVP Luke Niforatos Kick Off PAPR 2024 Recovery Summit

The Foundation for Drug Policy Solution’s (FDPS) West Coast affiliate, the

Pacific Alliance for Prevention and Recovery, led by Tom Wolf, hosted the 2024 Recovery Summit in San Francisco, where issues of recovery and social justice were in full focus!

Click here to watch a clip of Dr. Kevin Sabet’s speech at the summit!

On the West Coast, and particularly San Francisco, we are facing an unprecedented homelessness and drug crisis. Now more than ever we must promote recovery solutions.

PAPR is doing this by:

  1. Advocating for common sense drug policy reforms that treat the root causes of addiction and substance use.

  2. Creating multiple pathways for recovery.

  3. Educating the public and lawmakers on the importance of prevention and recovery, as well as the failures of extreme drug policy.

  4. Exploring new and innovative pathways to promote transformational change when it comes to substance use in California and beyond.

More Photos From The PAPR 2024 Recovery Summit

Dr. Kevin Sabet

meeting San Francisco Mayor London Breed.

Sign up here for our next event: 2024 PROSPER Symposium

Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is an alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to a health-first approach to marijuana policy. We are professionals working in mental health and public health. We are bipartisan. We are medical doctors, lawmakers, treatment providers, preventionists, teachers, law enforcement officers and others who seek a middle road between incarceration and legalization. Our commonsense, third-way approach to marijuana policy is based on reputable science and sound principles of public health and safety.

The Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions (FDPS) is a national drug policy think/action tank whose vision is a world in which children and families thrive, substance use is prevented, and there is rapid access to quality treatment. From prevention and recovery to smart law enforcement and better international cooperation, we are working to change the face of drug policy. Too many people are losing their lives to addiction. It is time for big change.