Mises Institute
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Central Banks Are Wrong about Rate Cuts
Daniel Lacalle
Central Bank’s control of interest rates cripples economic growth. Yet central banks will not give up power because it is central to financing huge government deficits.
Opposing Military Intervention: Loving Dictators or Hating War?
David Gordon
Why have some Americans opposed this nation’s involvement in foreign wars? According to Jacob Heilbrunn, it is because those Americans love bloody dictators like Adolph Hitler.
The Old Breed and the Costs of War
Eugene Sledge (1923-2001) delivered this talk at the Mises Institute’s Costs of War conference in May 1994.
The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People
The only answer lies in eviscerating their budgets, abolishing their enabling legislation, and encouraging aggressive lawfare against the regime in retribution for these agencies’ many crimes.
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Carl Menger Explains Caitlin Clark’s “Low” Rookie Salary and Her Monetized Popularity
Contra Joe Biden, this is not about pay “discrimination” or equity or a nefarious plot by team owners to cheat women. This is just consumer sovereignty in action.
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Conservatives Are Wrong on Economics. Here’s How to Fix the Problem.
While conservatives and followers of Austrian economics often have much in common, many conservatives are against free trade and free exchange.
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Abolish the CIA and FBI
Ryan and Tho discuss Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Joe Rogan, and why he’s right about America’s dangerous “security” agencies.
Did the MMT Camp Correctly Predict the Post-Covid Economy?
Did Stephanie Kelton correctly predict that government debt would be benign back in May of 2020? Bob and guest Jonathan Newman discuss.
The Great Chocolate Crisis
Cocoa prices have skyrocketed, and the media is trying to paint this as another example of the ravages of Climate Change. Should chocolate lovers panic?
Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy
This book by the world expert on Pearl Harbor blows the top off a seventy-year cover up, reporting for the first time on long-suppressed interviews, documents, and corroborated evidence.
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