The Roundup is a weekly production of the Tarrant County GOP to bring you the latest headlines on conservative victories, upcoming events, and opportunities to make a difference in Tarrant County.

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Investigation into City of Fort Worth Continues

After the many shocking revelations of partisanship from City of Fort Worth government reported in last week's Roundup, we did some digging. It gets worse.

According to Federal Election Commission records, for the period covering January 1st to today, 88% of federal political contributions made by City of Fort Worth employees went to Democrats. If you live in Fort Worth, your tax dollars are paying for this, just as they are paying for showings of radical gender propaganda during City programs.

Speaking of radical gender propaganda - remember the City of Fort Worth Diversity & Inclusion (DEI) Department? We did some digging into City employee salaries. Every year, over $1,600,000 of your tax dollars go to the salaries of the DEI Department alone! (Click this link and type "diversity" in the box)

What about the City's DEI Director, Christina Brooks - who used to work for Pete Buttigieg and has been pictured with him multiple times? Her salary alone is $191,147 annually - more than the Governor of Texas, who makes $153,750 to govern the entire State!

How about City Manager David Cooke, who oversees City Government, including the DEI Department? Well, his annual salary is an impressive $398,127 of your tax dollars. A little under $2,000 less than the President of the United States, the leader of the Free World! He's so close. By the way, the City of Fort Worth is $1,335,366,771 in debt.

So who's in charge of appointing the City Manager, who has authority over the DEI Department (as well as Parks and Rec, who as we reported canceled a Detransitioner event last week)? That would be the Republican Mayor Mattie Parker and the City Council. To our knowledge, neither the Mayor nor any Republican Councilmen have spoken out about this. Maybe they're scared of alienating enough voters to hand their seats to liberals. Let's see.

We broke down the partisan makeup of Fort Worth City Council Districts to see what was going on. City Council Elections are non-partisan, though they don't have to be. Using the 2022 County Judge race as a recent, lower-turnout partisan race for a model, you get the following results:

Council District #3 (Republican Michael Crain): 56.82% REP, 43.18% DEM.

Council District #4 (Republican Charles Lauersdorf): 57.14% REP, 42.83% DEM

Council District #7 (Republican Macy Hill): 61.59% REP, 38.41% DEM

Council District #10 (Republican Alan Blaylock): 62.13% REP, 37.87% DEM

Note that all of these margins are larger than the statewide margin for any elected Republican in the State of Texas.

Fort Worth Mayoral and City Council Elections will be May 3rd, 2025, and we will be ready.

HD 97 Debate

With our first official Tarrant County GOP Runoff Debate in the books and a great success, the next is coming on Tuesday, April 30th! This time it will be for House District 97 between Cheryl Bean and John McQueeney. TCU Professor and TCGOP Precinct Chair Grant Ferguson will moderate.The event begins at 7:00pm and doors open at 6:15pm.

The venue is:

Fort Worth Elks Lodge

3233 White Settlement Road

Fort Worth, TX

We hope to see you there!

Exposing Fort Worth ISD

You're well-informed about the liberal cesspool that is the City of Fort Worth government. So, how about we take a look at Fort Worth ISD? Well, there's some interesting news here also! Let's get into it.

Just as we did with the City of Fort Worth above, let's start with employee political contributions to set the scene. According to Federal Election Commission Records for the same time period, 86% of federal political contributions from Fort Worth ISD employees went to Democrats. Sounds like your tax dollars are going to fair and quality education of children, right?

Well, not quite. Fort Worth ISD's Superintendent, Angelica Ramsey, makes $337,484 of your tax dollars every year. Since the Superintendent makes nearly the same salary as - again, the leader of the Free World - you might assume she's doing a stellar job.

We're sorry to disappoint you, but that's not the case. Shocking, to be sure. According to the Texas Education Agency, only 32% of FWISD students meet grade-level expectations, compared to the State average of 48%. But that's the average for all subjects. How about reading? You would hope that a system paying it's Superintendent near-presidential wages would at least ensure that students could read, right? Again, the TEA reports that only 38% of students in FWISD can read at grade level.

Perhaps Fort Worth ISD's employees should focus less on attacking conservatives and more on making sure kids can read. By the way, Fort Worth ISD enrollment has dropped by over 10,000 students from 2016 to 2023. Your taxes still fund the over $1,000,000,000 budget and the Superintendent's rich salary despite these failures.

RPT Plans to Close Primaries

Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi announced this week the creation of a Closed Primary Working Group, which will investigate both legislative and non-legislative options for closing the Republican primaries in 2026.

This comes after it was reported that 9% of the voters in House Speaker Dade Phelan's contested primary were Democrats (he still came in second place).

The working group will be led by former SREC member Mark Ramsey, and includes SREC Members Matt Patrick and Jim Pikl, RPT General Council Rachel Hooper, and Texas Homeschool Coalition President Tim Lambert.

Fort Worth Mayor "Stands for Democracy"

We reported to you last week that a DeTransitioner advocacy event hosted by TCGOP Precinct Chair Carlos Turcios was canceled by the City of Fort Worth's Parks and Recreation Department. After the event, Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker chimed in. After our previous reporting on the City of Fort Worth, you might assume her statement was...less than satisfactory. You would be correct!

Mayor Parker assured citizens - who are being censored by their own government - that she "believes in democracy" and that she "disagrees with the decision."

If you think that her "disagreement" will amount to any serious correction, we have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. We wish we had more to report on her statement, but we don't. It was four sentences long.

As a final reminder, the Fort Worth City Elections are May 3rd, 2025.

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