United Poultry Concerns
27 April 2024

Leafleting at the White House for
International Respect for Chickens Day

Washington, DC
Saturday, May 4, 12pm-3pm

Leafleting at the White House

Please join United Poultry Concerns at Lafayette Park across from the White House to leaflet and educate people for International Respect for Chickens Day. UPC will provide brochures, posters & banners. All we need is YOU! For more information contact [email protected].

Leafleting at the White House


To learn more about what you can do for Chickens in May:

INTERNATIONAL RESPECT FOR CHICKENS DAY, MAY 4 is an annual project launched by United Poultry Concerns in 2005 to celebrate chickens throughout the world and protest the bleakness of their lives in farming operations. The entire month of May is International Respect for Chickens Month!

Please do an ACTION for chickens on or around May 4. Ideas include leafleting on a busy street corner, holding an office party or classroom celebration, writing a letter to the editor, doing a radio call-in, tabling at your local church, school or shopping mall, hosting a vegan open house, posting a blog, or simply talking to family, friends or strangers about the plight – and delight – of chickens and how people can help them.

International Respect for Chickens Day


First sighting of our beautiful “What Wings Are For! Give a Cluck. Go Vegan!” ads at 14 Bike Share locations in Washington, DC. We are running them through the entire month of May in honor of our annual International Respect for Chickens Day May 4/month of May campaign. They even installed them a few days early at no extra charge!

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United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl.
Don't just switch from beef to chicken. Go Vegan.
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