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Friday, April 26, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

With US Workers on the March, Southern States Take Aim at Unions

GOP leaders in the region are "truly astonished that workers might not trust their corporate overlords with their working conditions, pay, health, and retirement," said one critic.

By Jessica Corbett

Leaked USAID Document Concludes Israel Impeded Gaza Aid

"Biden is breaking the law and defying his own agencies to fund Israeli war crimes," said one observer.

By Brett Wilkins

Violent Arrest of Emory Professor Spotlights Brutality of Police Crackdown on Campus Protests

"To sustain this level of blind support for Israel, the U.S. must erode its own democracy," said one foreign policy expert. "And that is what we see happening on U.S. campuses now."

By Julia Conley

'We Are Alive, But We Are Not OK': Gaza Doctors Detail Horrific Toll of Israeli Assault

"Our suffering is being live-streamed, but the world watches in silence. We have been failed."

By Jake Johnson

House Progressives Blast Attempts to Discredit Pro-Gaza Campus Protests

Rep. Ayanna Pressley condemned "misinformation that aims to undermine this movement, outside agitators that detract from peaceful solidarity actions, and the aggressive response by law enforcement."

By Jessica Corbett

Right-Wingers Plot to Give Trump Control Over Federal Reserve If Reelected

"Under such an approach, the chair would regularly seek Trump's views on interest-rate policy and then negotiate with the committee to steer policy on the president's behalf," The Wall Street Journal reported.

By Jake Johnson


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■ Opinion

The Climate Youth Movement’s Earth Day Message to Biden

We call on the president to stop approving new fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency that takes meaningful action to end the era of fossil fuels and invest in environmental justice.

By Helen Mancini,Amanda Campos,Stevie O'Hanlon

Gaza, Campus Protest, and the Fierce Urgency of Now

Beyond the horrors in Gaza and the long tragic history of the oppression of Palestinians, student protestors are trying to save their own nation from its death-dealing spiral.

By Fran Shor

The UAW’s Historic Tennessee Victory Is Breaking GOP Brains

The problem for Republicans is that unions represent a form of democracy in the workplace, and the GOP hates democracy as a matter of principle.

By Thom Hartmann

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