Fellow Republicans,

This weekend is the birthday of President Ulysses S. Grant, who was living in Galena, Illinois when he rejoined the Army to fight in the Civil War. As  General Grant said: “The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.”

Now that the Primary and County Conventions are over, we must focus our attacks on leftist Democrats instead of each other. A divided Illinois Republican Party is exactly what the Democrats want and will only strengthen their chokehold on working Illinois families. We must strike the Democrats hard with more robust GOTV and election integrity efforts and disciplined messaging to independents and other swing voters.

This year will be an opportunity for Illinois Republicans to build on resilience, growth, grit, and determination to push back on leftist Democrats. By working together, we can secure the human and financial resources necessary to again be competitive in Illinois. With more and better teamwork, Republicans can  be the voice of fiscal sanity and common sense in opposition to the leftist Democrats and their radical agenda. Let’s move onward and upward together as Illinois Republicans.

153 days until early voting begins at the office of your election authority and temporary locations designated by the election authority. Take the pledge to Bank Your Vote 

Our State Convention is in Collinsville on  May 24-25 and the Republican National Convention is in Milwaukee on July 15-18. At the State Convention, Illinois will select: (a) its RNC National Committeeman and Committeewoman and (b) 10 At-Large National Convention Delegates plus 10 Alternates. 

The Republican National Convention is the formal ceremony during which the Party officially selects its Presidential nominee and adopts a party platform. The Delegates are individuals chosen to represent their state.

The RNC National Committeeman and RNC National Committeewoman serve as leaders of the Illinois Republican Party and the Republican National Committee at both the state and national levels. These are volunteer positions of great responsibility. The National Committeeman and the National Committeewoman have a number of different roles: fundraiser, advisor, implementer, moderator, activist, motivator, mediator, peacekeeper, sounding board, liaison to candidates and other Republican groups and spokesperson. 

These very important Republican Party jobs do not pay any compensation or reimbursement for travel and other expenses.  Applicants for these positions must email a completed application with the attachments as outlined on the below link and also on our website (illinois.gop) to ILGOP Executive Director Matt Janes at [email protected] no later than May 3, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

To be considered for the positions of At-Large Delegates or Alternates, an applicant must email [email protected] a completed application as outlined on the below link and also on our website no later than May 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. CST. In addition, At Large and Alternate Delegate applicants must agree to a background check. Delegates are not paid any compensation or reimbursed for expenses and must pay a National Convention fee of $750 per Delegate + $750 per Delegate guest and commit to a 5 nite stay at a Convention hotel in the Milwaukee area (estimated hotel stay cost is $2000).

The Illinois Republican Party State Convention is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with campaign leaders, political candidates, and elected officials.  It’s also enjoyable to meet and chat politics with other grassroots leaders and patriots. For more information, visit https://rcca.gop/convention/. This link provides information for you to register, secure a hotel room, and all kinds of other great information. Discounted hotel rates are still available, just reference the State Convention at the time of booking.  There’s also a Cubs vs Cardinals game that you may want to enjoy that weekend.

We examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago and in suburban Cook County. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican who lives in Cook County to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. Sign up to be an election judge!

Calling all Republicans, Conservatives, and Patriots. We need all eyes on the ballot! Election judges serve a crucial role in ensuring fair and transparent elections. We need all eyes on the ballot and encourage all Illinois Republicans to sign up here. We encourage all your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues to serve as election judges for the general election! We also will have a heavy emphasis on more election integrity training over zoom and in person to better educate voters on the process, as well as gauge interest to serve as election judges or poll watchers. The overall goal of our election integrity efforts is to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Sign up to be an election judge or poll watcher in your county!

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

Pension Scam – Unions Want to Undo Tier 2

by Jeanne Ives

The public sector unions are going ALL IN to get rid of the Tier 2 Pension System enacted January 1, 2011. They have been telegraphing its demise since the day the legislation was signed into law. And in the last 12 years, they have been intentionally ignoring the need to have Tier 2 evaluated by the federal government for compliance with social security minimum benefits, have passed legislation adjusting pension benefits however they can, and have blocked a mandatory defined contribution plan (401k-style) for new hires.

Now armed with a super-majority Democrat legislature, a union-friendly big government Governor, and a constitutional guarantee to preserve the economic welfare of union workers, the unions are lobbying to end the Tier 2 pension system.

This week in Springfield, Illinois, public employee unions had a Week of Action to undo Tier 2 pension reforms passed in 2011. There is even a Senate Bill ready to do such.

Facing nearly a $100 billion unfunded pension liability – the worst in the nation, a credit rating that was the worst in the nation, and enormous other budget pressures, even the Democrats capitulated to pressure and passed Tier 2 pension reforms in 2010. They adjusted the retirement age, final salary calculation, and cost of living adjustments. Read more HERE.

What they didn’t adjust was the amount that new employees would have to pay in, keeping it at 9 percent of salary. In effect, the state is using Tier 2 employee contributions to shore up the overall pension system, which will pay out Tier 1 employees more generous pension benefits.

In reality, that’s what the new employees signed up for. But make no mistake: If they get their way and end Tier 2, they will convert them to Tier 1 benefits, and the unfunded pension liability will balloon.

If that happens, the budget will be under even more pressure. Secondary concerns will be the pressure to move teacher pension costs to the local level because rich school districts pay rich salaries and then send the pension bill to state taxpayers. If that shift happens, property taxes will go through the roof.

Pensions are a huge discussion that I will not attempt to cover in one place. For now, here are four charts that should alarm Illinoisans. The state has five pension systems. This chart shows how underfunded each system is right now.

The General Assembly passed legislation in 1995 known as the Edgar Ramp, which allows the state to pay a “statutory” amount into the pension system instead of an actuarial amount to bring the systems to 90% funded by 2045.For the past few years the difference between the statutory and actuarial amount has been $4-5 billion.

The Governor’s proposed budget spends $52.9 billion. The total statutory pension payment of $11.265 billion is, therefore, 21% of the state budget. If we paid the actuarial amount of $16.081 billion, that would mean over 30% of the state budget just went to fund someone’s retirement account. This is insanity. No other state pays that much of its budget to pensions.

There are several problems with the pensions. The first problem is that the employee has no market risk and pays a low contribution amount for the benefit they receive. These pensions are very generous. A newly retired teacher with 30 years of service will make a starting pension of $79,224 on average. That will increase at a 3% compounded rate. The MAXIMUM social security payment that an employee pays in 6.2 % of salary and the employer 6.2% is $45,864. The average payment is under $22,000. Teachers argue that they don’t get social security. The truth is they don’t want it.

In this chart, you see that most of the cost of these retirements is borne by the taxpayers (state contribution) – not the employee.

Does your employer put away an additional 50% of your salary for your retirement? That’s how much more taxpayers are putting in for public pensions.

The bottom line is that undoing Tier 2 would accelerate the outmigration of taxpayers who understand the game being played against them and their property. The answer is to move all new hires immediately to a 401k-style program that is already in effect for state university employees. By the way, in this mobile job market, people want the flexibility to own and control their own retirement. A hybrid program should be set-up for public safety individuals like the military went to over twenty years ago.

Bank Your Vote

Chairman's Satire 


Thank you for all you do and for supporting the Illinois Republican Party.


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Please stand with us and consider making a $10 or $25 contribution to our efforts. Your generous donation will fund our fight against the Democrat socialist agenda. Thank you in advance.

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Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
