You might’ve heard that I Love Rock ’n’ Roll – the kind of music that our campaign interns might call “old-people music.”
Case in point! ⬇
So, if you’re a Juke Box Hero who appreciates a good music pun (or two, or ten), then this email is for you! Carry on, carry on…
Folks, it’s tempting to want to Take It Easy right now and just soak in the springtime sunshine while blasting Springsteen. 
But with just four days left until my April fundraising deadline, I’m seriously Under Pressure to reach my $30,000 End-of-Month goal.
If we fall short of our goal, our campaign will be Livin’ on a Prayer come May.
If we reach our goal, it’ll give this Piano Man a little extra Peace of Mind in a tough election season.
There are more puns ahead, but first, will you pitch in $25 or more to keep us on track for our $30,000 End-of-Month goal?
Listen, I know that when we all Come Together, we have What It Takes to crush this goal and kick this campaign into high gear.
Your donation isn’t Money For Nothing; it’s the fuel that keeps this campaign running.
I don’t want to Ramble On too long, so I’ll just ask you this favor.
Will you Give A Little Bit before our End-of-Month deadline to show Republicans we’re ready to defend this district – and our pro-choice, pro-science, pro-democracy values – in November?
– Sean-y B. Goode