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John - 

In San Francisco, we stand tall on the shoulders of giants like César Chávez! 

It's time we honor his remarkable life by officially designating March 31 as César Chávez Day in the City and County of San Francisco.

Chávez, like myself, faced the struggles of immigrant life firsthand, fueling his unwavering dedication to marginalized communities.

His legacy of nonviolent protests opened doors to fair wages and diginity for farmworkers nationwide. 

As a former labor organizer, I've echoe Chávez's advocacy for frontline workers  janitors, sanitation workers, delivery drivers, and grocery store employees. 

As Supervisor, I've fought to raise the minimum wage, institute a citywide project labor agreement, and improve working conditions. 

As your Mayor, I'll continue Chávez's legacy of honoring our community's diversity and promiting social justice.


Ahsha Safaí

Candidate for Mayor of San Francisco


P.S. Don't forget that my campaign runs on your donation. CLICK HERE to help elect a mayor who will work for ALL San Franciscans.


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Paid for by Ahsha Safai for Mayor 2024 FPPC#1460439. Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.

Our mailing address is:
58 West Portal Ave #156
San Francisco, CA, 94127



