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America is less safe under a weak administration. Right now, America’s adversaries see that our nation is vulnerable under Joe Biden’s failed leadership and would love nothing more than to see us abandon our allies in their time of need. Passing the national security package goes beyond meeting an obligation to our allies, in fact, it’s squarely in America’s best national security interest. However, passing the bill wouldn’t have been possible without President Donald J. Trump. Keep reading to learn more.


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The national security package sends a message to the world that America is still the beacon of freedom, and that we’re willing to invest in our own defense capabilities and those of our allies as means to ensure a safer, more resilient future for our country. That’s why over 75 percent of the package stays inside the United States to directly support our national security priorities at home. This legislation, though imperfect, proves once again that the United States will not waver from the side of freedom. Watch here.


Thank you to University of Oklahoma (OU) President Joe Harroz Jr. for taking the time to stop by my office in Washington. While here, he shared an update on the University's strategic plan and goals. 




I was glad to welcome the Oklahoma Dental Association to my office. I was joined by dentists from across the state, including those from Tulsa, Lawton, OKC, Edmond, and Altus. I heard about issues related to the industry in Oklahoma and left confident that Oklahomans across the state are in great hands with dentists’ dedicated, quality care.




Thank you to the Oklahoma executives of the International Association of Drilling Contractors for your time this past week. The executives provided an update on their operations, and we discussed permitting delays, energy tax code reform, and the consequences of Biden's lease restrictions on our energy independence.






Great news! The OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center, Oklahoma’s top facility for cancer care, is expanding its services to the OU-Tulsa campus. Team Mullin was honored to attend the announcement ceremony this week, where OU officials shared their plan to improve access to advanced, research-driven care and clinical trails in northeast Oklahoma. This is incredible news for the entire state in the fight against cancer, and I was proud to play a small role in providing federal support for this project.




Established in 1963, the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) supports Oklahoma law enforcement in serving communities like Ada by establishing basic training guidelines and offering continued education for our men and women in blue. Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to speak with the CLEET executive staff about their priorities for this year, the future of law enforcement education, challenges with funding, and the value of public support for the police.




Thank you to Chief Administrative Officer, Dave Stewart for providing me and Christie with an update on MidAmerica Industrial Park. The update included progress on a new airport, housing growth, and workforce training and expansion efforts. We also spoke about the Cherokee Nation Child Development Center currently underway that will help support and attract industry in the park.






When President Trump suggested a loan component for foreign aid on Truth Social, I called the President, and we immediately went to work. President Trump has not gotten nearly enough credit for his role in delivering a strong national security bill. I discussed this and more on Newsmax this week. Check it out here.


Last year, Biden's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) imposed the "Good Neighbor" air rule on Oklahoma and 22 other states to target American power production and burden power plants, natural gas pipeline assets, and industrial plants with increased and misguided air regulations. Federal courts have since challenged the legality of the EPA's overreach and have frozen the implementation of the rule in 12 states. Despite this, the EPA continues to impose these regulations and have since proposed to add five more states to the program.


I joined Senator Capito, Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, in filing an amicus brief in support of state and industry challengers of the rule. Biden's unconstitutional EPA must be stopped. 



Thanks for reading my weekly e-newsletter! It’s an honor to represent the great state of Oklahoma in the U.S. Senate. You can stay in touch by following me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Gettr, Truth Social, and YouTube. As always, don’t hesitate to contact my office if we can help in any way.


God Bless!







Markwayne Mullin

U.S. Senator for Oklahoma






