All workers deserve to return home safely from work, John.

That seems like a simple statement, but it is not always a fact. Each year, thousands of Americans die from fatal injuries at work. In fact, OSHA reported that in 2022, 5,486 people died from work-related injuries — and 56 of those people lived and worked right here in Iowa.

Workers deserve safe, meaningful, and dignified work. Iowans should know that they will be paid a fair wage, that their work environment will be safe, and that they will be home to see their family and friends after the end of their shift.

Today is Workers' Memorial Day, the day that we remember those who were not able to come home from work. But it is also the day when we call for action to protect hard-working Iowans.

This year is more somber than most because Iowa's governor and her far-right allies are more than willing to put workers at risk. They break down workplace protections and insert new dangers — like with their bill to arm teachers and place guns in schools.

I stand with workers, and I am fighting for them in the state legislature because we all deserve to work with dignity and safety. Today, let's remember those who did not come home from work. But tomorrow, let's fight to ensure more of us make it home next year.

Stand Tall for All,


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