![]() Patriot, When I find myself frustrated with the state of politics in America – and I must admit, this frustration occurs frequently – I think about the adversity our Founders faced in their day. On the night of Christmas in 1776, George Washington’s revolutionary army was in dire straits. After having been pushed completely out of New York in mid-November, Washington’s army was shrinking – from defeats, expiring enlistments, and desertions – and the British had successfully invaded New Jersey at Fort Lee. The remaining Continental Army suffered truly low morale: the prospect of a fate worse than death. “Life, liberty, and sacred honor.” This is what they pledged in the Declaration of Independence. If they failed, the patriots would pay with more than their lives. Their families would be punished by King George, as well. And yet, in the face of all of this, Washington and his men crossed the icy Delaware River in what was one of the war’s most challenging, logistically complex, and dangerous operations. They prevailed, turned the tide of the war, and the rest is history. Because of their courage in the face of extreme adversity, they won the liberty we still enjoy to this
day. And today, the fires of liberty really do still burn bright. The reauthorization of warrantless mass surveillance . . . the appropriation of tens of billions of dollars to pointless foreign adventures . . . these are setbacks. We should be furious, and we must hold those who voted for these travesties accountable. But let’s not wallow in a lost battle and surrender the war in the process. We came closer than ever before to shutting down the Spy State’s warrantless mass surveillance program. We must regroup and continue to recruit, organize, and mobilize for liberty in America. In fact, we’ve had some major victories, that people didn’t think were remotely possible: >>> You and I stopped EVERY attempt (by BOTH parties) to RAM their National ID database scheme into
law. If passed, this scheme would have allowed the government to create a database of EVERY American citizen – including everything
from gun ownership records and political activity, to love interests. >>> We’ve stopped countless gun-grabbing schemes at the federal and state levels and helped pass Constitutional Carry in states all across the country. >>> We created a massive backlash against the “Central Bank Digital Currency” scheme, held the line against efforts to bring it closer to passage, and have passed bills at the state level to ban state governments from using or accepting a CBDC as legal tender. >>> We passed Audit the Fed in the House and kept it on the radar to pass it in both chambers in a better political environment. For these reasons, I’m asking you to join our sustaining supporters: Our Patriot Club, which is the foundation of our support. Right now, we're looking for as many patriots as possible to sign up for Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program. And, if you sign up before the May 6 deadline, you’ll automatically be entered to win one of two Wyoming Goldback State Bundles – a captivating collection of bills minted with genuine .9999 fine gold. ![]() These bills are more than just a commodity of exchange: they’re a journey through art, culture, and history, encapsulated in precious gold. Each Goldback in this exclusive set contains .9999 fine gold, showcasing designs that are not only visually stunning but also steeped in rich symbolism and heritage. The 50 Goldback bill contains 1/20 Troy ounce of .9999 fine gold, the 25 bill contains 1/40 ounce, and so on. Ten additional winners will receive a Goldback mixed bundle, featuring five bills for five different states, each with real fine gold. Each winner will also receive an autographed note from Ron Paul with their collection. ![]() We will also send everyone who signs up with a monthly donation of $10 or more some special perks, including a Patriot Club t-shirt and hat. For a monthly donation of $25 or more, we’ll include a Patriot Club polo shirt. Will you commit to just $0.33 a day to help Campaign for Liberty STOP the madness and restore constitutional order? ![]() The truth is, the Patriot Club program is absolutely vital to everything Campaign for Liberty does. >>> First: Patriot Club monthly contributors ensure we
have the resources to fight back at a moment’s notice against any scheme the statists spring on us.
In the heat of a legislative battle, you and I can’t afford to waste weeks raising the money we need to protect our liberty. That’s a recipe for sure defeat. Patriot Club monthly contributors are Campaign for Liberty’s Minutemen, providing the vital resources necessary to make sure we’re always prepared. >>> Second: Because Patriot
Club members give me some idea of future resources, we can better plan for key ongoing battles – such as our shared fights to Audit the Fed and
rein in the Deep State. It also means we can make the most of any last-minute opportunities on these battles, rather than holding back just to try to save resources for a possible future fight. >>> Third: Patriot Club monthly contributors allow
Campaign for Liberty to lay the foundation for a massive and growing Liberty Movement that lasts far into the future.
Ultimately, our success hinges not just on fighting the battles we’re currently facing but also on growing our numbers and educating and training new leaders. Patriot Club supporters truly are the foundation of these essential efforts. So today, I want to ask you to please take just a moment to sign up for this critical program. You can do so for as little as $0.33 per day – only $10.00 per month. And if you can commit to more each month, Dr. Paul and the Campaign for Liberty staff will be very grateful. Signing up is safe and secure. And since the contributions are automatically deducted from your card, bank draft, or PayPal, you can sign up and not have to worry about it again. Those who do sign up by 11:59 pm Eastern on May 6 will be entered to win one of twelve prizes. Ten winners will be sent a Goldback collection of five state bills minted with .9999 fine gold, plus an autographed note from Dr. Paul. And two lucky winners will receive the Wyoming set, valued at $459 as of this writing (and very likely to increase over time). We will also send everyone who signs up with a monthly donation of $10 or more some special perks, including a Patriot Club t-shirt and hat. For a monthly donation of $25 or more, we’ll include a Patriot Club polo shirt. These are just a few perks and gifts for your generous support, but most important, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing what a major impact you’re having for the advancement of liberty. As Dr. Paul said, we can turn our country around. We can restore constitutional principles, sound money, and respect for individual liberty in America. It’s the continued action from good folks like you that makes us so optimistic. Won’t you sign up to be a Patriot Club monthly contributor right away? Remember, if you sign up before the May 6 deadline, you'll be entered to win a special collection of Goldback bills and a note autographed by our Chairman and the Defender of the Constitution, Ron Paul. By signing up as a Patriot Club monthly contributor you can help ensure Campaign for Liberty can make a massive – and enduring – impact in the fight for freedom. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. Will you help our liberty movement take the next step by signing up for Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program? You can be a Patriot Club member for as little as $10 a month – just $0.33 per day. Patriot Club monthly contributors are critical to Campaign for Liberty’s work to fight for our liberties in Congress AND lay the foundation for a vibrant liberty movement that lasts long into the future. So please sign up right away! ![]() If you'd prefer to send in your monthly donation or don't want to enter your information online, click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote
and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign
policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |