Join us in saying thanks!

Friend, our advocacy worked!

Yesterday was a huge day — not just for my colleagues at Free Press who have spent the last seven years tirelessly working for this moment — but for all of us.

We’re deeply grateful to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Commissioners Geoffrey Starks and Anna Gomez for restoring the Net Neutrality rules and reinstating Title II to hold high-speed internet providers accountable. If you’re grateful too, please sign our thank-you card and we’ll make sure they see it.



Free Press

Friend, our advocacy worked!

The FCC just voted to reinstate essential Net Neutrality protections under Title II of the Communications Act — more than six years after Trump’s FCC took them away from us. 🎉

This means the FCC will be able to preserve the internet’s level playing field and stop companies like Comcast from picking winners and losers online.

And by bringing back its Title II authority, the agency will once again be able to use all of the tools in its toolbox to safeguard internet users, ensuring that internet service providers can’t rip us off or otherwise exploit us without suffering the consequences. This also means that the FCC has the authority to ensure that the high-speed internet networks we rely on are resilient to climate emergencies and other disasters.

This is a huge moment, and proof that when people like us fight for the open internet with everything we’ve got, we win.

We need to let Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Commissioners Geoffrey Starks and Anna Gomez know that we’re grateful that they listened to the people and restored this critical authority to ensure we have equitable access to broadband. Will you sign our special thank-you card today?

High-speed internet is an essential utility. By restoring safeguards that millions fought so hard to make a reality, the FCC is once again following the law Congress wrote for modern internet-access service, reestablishing its oversight of the telecommunications service that connects all of us.

Take a moment to bask in this huge victory. Then sign our card thanking Chairwoman Rosenworcel and Commissioners Starks and Gomez for working hard to restore Net Neutrality.

Thanks so, so much,

Heather and the rest of the Free Press team

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