Friday, April 26, 2024                                                          WEBSITE | SHARE ON:  
Foxx Report

Now more than ever, the United States should return to President Trump’s peace through strength policies. The path that the Biden administration has chosen to march down has served only to plunge the entire world into utter chaos – all the while putting American lives at risk while emboldening our adversaries abroad. The threats we face today are monumental in both size and scope, and that’s exactly why House Republicans have passed H.R. 8308, the 21st Century Peace Through Strength Act. Let me tell you why this legislation is so important. 

The 21st Century Peace Through Strength Act sends a clear, blunt message that America and its allies remain united against our adversaries and their brazen acts of aggression. Within this legislation are sets of key provisions that:

  • Enact the most comprehensive sanctions against Iran that Congress has passed in years.
  • Protect Americans from malign foreign influence of the Communist Chinese-controlled TikTok app.
  • Address the fentanyl crisis that has killed over 200,000 Americans since President Biden took office.
  • Disrupt the ability of Hamas to fund terrorism and makes it harder for state sponsors of terrorism to abuse International Monetary Fund resources to finance terrorist organizations, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah.
  • Make it illegal for data brokers to sell personally identifiable data of Americans to North Korea, China, Russia, Iran, or entities controlled by any of these countries.

The first step in eliminating the possibility of foreign aggression is deterrence. These impactful measures act as a vise grip against the bad actors who seek to upend civil society. I was proud in helping pass the 21st Century Peace Through Strength Act alongside my Republican colleagues to stand with our allies. Again, it is time that we return to President Trump’s peace through strength policies that ensured safety and stability throughout the world.

A New Letter

Recently, I led a letter alongside my Republican colleagues to Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona demanding further information about the Department’s potentially unlawful actions related to student loan consolidation in order to further its “free” college agenda. Here is a short excerpt:

“The Biden administration has relentlessly pursued shifting the burden of repaying federal student loans onto taxpayers with complete disregard to its legal authority. In this vein, we write to seek clarity and raise questions about the Department of Education’s (Department) implementation of several student loan consolidation provisions of law. … Recent events have demonstrated the Department’s serious need for increased oversight and accountability.”

To read the full letter, click here.

Confronting Antisemitism

On Wednesday, I joined Speaker Mike Johnson and other members for a meeting hosted by Jewish students at Columbia University. Columbia University is in a freefall. Antisemitism is running rampant not only on this university’s campus, but also on campuses across the nation. This is entirely unacceptable – Jewish students deserve a safe learning environment free from threats and intimidation. Anything less is unacceptable.

To watch my full remarks, click here.

Quote of The Week

“If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.”

-President Trump

Have a blessed weekend,

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