Dear Friend, |
Because you are a dedicated supporter and follower of Earthjustice’s work, I want to make clear for you the path we are forging to save this planet. |
Earthjustice has won more than 1,000 cases in defense of people and our planet. But those cases are not won in isolation; they add up to something much bigger — holistic solutions developed by looking at the full scope of the problem. Our legal strategy is both durable and comprehensive enough to make a difference for generations to come, and it’s connected to larger coalition work so that we can achieve change, keep it, and ultimately build upon it. |
That is the future we’re creating. That's how we'll save ourselves and our Earth. |
Our success together is possible because of your support. We set an ambitious goal to raise $150,000 for Earth Day, and we haven’t reached it yet. But thanks to so many donors, we still can by the end of the month. So I have a personal request for you, a dedicated supporter of Earthjustice: |
If you can, please donate today and your gift will be matched $2:$1. Help us defend the planet that’s given us everything we’ve got. |
I understand many people feel unsure what individual actions they should be taking to help counter climate change. In many ways, it may seem like we are stuck. We're still using fossil fuels, the product that is driving climate change, and we're also still living with profuse amounts of pollution that make us sick. |
Our lives can be better. We don’t have to stay stuck, because we have the legal tools to change the status quo. Is it hard to transition to a 100% clean energy future as the oil and gas industry uses every tactic to stay relevant? Of course it is, but that's the fight of my life, and my colleagues’ lives, and your life, too. The good news: We've never been in a better position to win. |
Here are just a few of the wins from the last few months that we’re celebrating at Earthjustice:
- In December, we secured a commitment from the Biden administration to restore the Snake River, a key agreement that sets the stage for Congress to take decisive action to prevent salmon extinction.
- In February, we stopped the state of Florida from issuing permits that would destroy wetlands, a key habitat for endangered panther species, among many others.
- In March, we worked with the Environmental Protection Agency to finally address emissions from steel mills, protecting communities across the country and the air they breathe from 64 tons of hazardous air pollutants and 470 tons of fine particulate matter per year.
If these or the dozens of victories Earthjustice has won so far in 2024 mean something to you, please show your support with a donation today. A group of dedicated donors will match your gift $2:$1, creating triple the impact to drive systemic change. |
That act of creating systemic change is what lawyers can do and what makes Earthjustice essential in the environmental movement. |
When a client or partner comes to us, we have someone there on the ground who has expertise to bear and deep relationships with the people who are most impacted. And we're open to learning what’s necessary to not only win a given case but understand and impact the larger picture. |
That's what I love about Earthjustice. |
So yes, we are in a time of crisis — a climate crisis and a biodiversity crisis — but there is a way forward. Together, we can bring ourselves back into balance, preserving a stable climate, healthy ecosystems, and clean water to heal the earth and protect it for all species, including us. That is restoration; that is healing; that is nature regenerating. |
With your support and our collective, unbending commitment to this work, we can heal this planet and the planet will heal us in return. Your gift today is a sign of your shared commitment to this vision and will help us hit our goal at a critical time. Please, give what you can to make it a reality. |
Thank you for your support and for pursuing a better future. |
In partnership,
Libby Marsh
Senior Vice President of Development
Earthjustice |