FIVE of the most beloved Democrats in history are sounding the alarm and BEGGING you to step up, John:

1. Barack Obama said there’s "NO TIME TO WASTE" to protect our progress.

2. Kamala Harris said that "EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE."

3. Michelle Obama said she’s "TERRIFIED" about the outcome of the election.

4. Hillary Clinton said another Trump Presidency would be "ALMOST UNIMAGINABLE." 

5. And Jamie Raskin warned Trump poses a "CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER" to our freedoms.

They’re not stretching the truth, John. These beloved Democrats only issue warnings this dire when the consequences of losing are too terrible to imagine. When the top Democrats in the country sound the alarm and beg us to step up, we can’t ignore them. Concerned donors are 300% MATCHING every gift until midnight to have a record fundraising day and answer our leaders’ calls to action. We still need a couple more Democrats from District Of Columbia to chip in to meet our goal of 500 donations. Will you step up to ensure we have the resources to flip the House blue, keep Biden in the White House, and hand Republicans a MASSIVE loss? >>

MATCH: 300%



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