This is how our movement has won over 180+ victories in every part of America and how we’re taking on our corrupt political system one win at a time.

John —

People power this movement.

City by city, state by state, RepresentUs is winning campaigns that fight corruption and build a government that works for every American.

None of this would be possible without volunteers. It takes real people from across the political spectrum to win. And when we build power together, we create durable, lasting change.

This National Volunteer Week we want to shine a spotlight on some of the rockstar volunteers making our work possible.

Right now in Oregon and Nevada, teams of dedicated volunteers and organizers are focused on holding educational events, showing people how Ranked Choice Voting works and how it will benefit the voters of their states, in order to get statewide ballot measures passed in the November election.

Here’s what volunteer Will Ramadan has to say:

"“As I've watched divisions challenge democracies around the world, I've become passionate about finding effective ways to bring people back together and help understand each other. And no one does it better than RepresentUs. I've devoted my time to join them in helping educate Americans on Ranked Choice Voting as a genuine way to end corruption and divisive low blow politics and to bring back real democracy."

This is how our movement has won over 180+ victories in every part of America and how we’re taking on our corrupt political system one victory at a time. These campaigns lead to bigger change on a national scale until our demands go from improbable to inevitable.

This National Volunteer Week we simply want to say THANK YOU to everyone — especially you — who makes this work possible and gives us hope in uncertain times. Learn more about the victories our volunteers have helped make possible.

👏👏👏 From all of us at RepresentUs: thank you for all you do for our movement. 👏👏👏

Amanda Pustz
State Director


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RepresentUs brings conservatives and progressives together to fight corruption.
RepresentUs, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100