California Gun Rights Foundation


This is unbelievable...

Despite a nationwide epidemic, Rep. Johnson is STILL pushing his vile HR 5717 Gunpocalypse bill.

That's right, the same politician who thought overpopulation would cause Guam to tip over thinks he knows best for YOU!

Fight Back!

Because it's apparently not good enough for gun stores across California being ordered to close. 

Rep. Johnson wants to take every last 2A right you have and flush it down the toilet.

His bill consists of a short list of infringements, mind you... like:

  • Mandate a special new license to buy guns
  • Tax firearms at 30% and ammo at 50%
  • Create a Federal "Red Flag Gun Confiscation" scheme
  • Establish a nationwide gun registry
  • Institute a federal Magazine Ban
  • Ban all U.S. patriots under 21 from exercising their Second Amendment rights
  • Ration guns by making it illegal to purchase more than one firearm in 30-day period
  • Force new "Safe Storage" requirements on all gun owners
  • Ban suppressors
  • Force FFLs to spend massive amounts of money to comply with new "security" requirements
  • Expand "Gun Free Zones" 
  • And MUCH more

Friend, if Johnson's bill passes, the right to keep and bear arms will be toast. Burned toast at that.

Which is why we've got to fight back!

Fight Back!

Please help CGF stand against tyrannical gun control like HR 5717 by making a contribution - ASAP!

There's no time to lose. So donate NOW to fight back!


California Gun Rights Foundation


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