
There’s no doubt about it, the rich and powerful are winning. As you know, they’ve been winning for a long time.

Soaring inequality worldwide shows that while the poorest and the working class continue to struggle, those at the top continue to hoard most of the wealth for themselves.

We have relentlessly detailed this trend over the last 25 years, elevating the voices of those decrying obscene greed and showing there’s a better way. A core common dream is a more egalitarian world — and we know this world is possible.

And here’s what else is true: there are cracks showing in this class war. Just last week, a historic win in Tennessee revealed that workers in the U.S. South are fed up with being exploited by the auto industry. The minimum wage is up in states nationwide, but only because low-wage workers fought and won.

This week, we covered the story of the FTC banning anti-worker non-compete clauses that corporate interests have defended for decades. As of yesterday, net neutrality is back at the FCC after a relentless fight against Big Telecom.

Even Common Dreams itself can be seen as a success story in the class war. We are a media outlet not beholden to advertisers or a billionaire owner. We survive with our readers' support alone, which keeps us independent and free to challenge injustice, greed, and corruption in all its forms.

All the people receiving this email — those who believe in a better world — come together to make our journalism possible. But let me say this: times are tough and donations are down. We have just a handful of days to turn this Spring Campaign around, and we need your help now.

Our commitment is to serve our mission, but that mission is only possible with the support of readers. Every donation — small, medium, or large — makes the biggest difference. If you can, please support our work today.


In gratitude,

Jon Queally
Managing Editor
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team

P.S. Common Dreams relies on sustaining donors to keep us moving forward. Will you become a monthly donor today?

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