
April 26, 2024

Red States Erupt over Biden's Radical Title IX Rewrite
by Suzanne Bowdey
President Biden must be trying really hard to lose this election. Just when you think he's alienated as many people as possible, his White House decides to pick a fight with every woman in America. If the administration was under some grand delusion that taking a sledgehammer to Title IX would endear them to voters, they're in the middle of a very rude reality check. The reaction can pretty much be summed up Kristen Waggoner's way: "See you in court, POTUS."
Texas Shows How to Prevent a Campus Takeover
by Joshua Arnold
Given the Marxist fixation with seizing power, it's strange that woke university administrators can't seem to use it better. After all, they, not the students, are the legitimate authority on campus. For campus administrators who need remedial training on how to do their jobs, Texas provided a tutorial Wednesday when University of Texas (UT) at Austin students tried to establish a Gaza solidarity encampment there within sight of the state capitol building. Here's a six-step handbook to shutting down illegal campus takeovers, the Texas way.
FBI Director Accused of Hypocrisy for Monitoring Conservatives but Not Pro-Hamas Protests
by S.A. McCarthy
The director of the FBI is being accused of hypocrisy for allowing the targeting of concerned parents, Trump supporters, and American Catholics but not "monitoring" pro-Hamas rallies and protests on college campuses.
Outstanding - Ep. 92: Samuel Sey on Assisted Suicide
Podcast with Joseph Backholm and Samuel Sey
What makes life worth living? This age old question has been in the center of conversation as more countries legalize and support assisted suicide. Host Joseph Backholm is joined by Samuel Sey, founder of Slow to Write, to dissect the morality of assisted suicide. Originally from Ghana, Samuel weighs in on how the West views suicide compared to other parts of the world, what has contributed to this different mindset, and the definition of Western privilege. It all comes down to when we do not value the one who created us, we will not value the life He has created.
15 State AGs Confront Bank of America for Canceling Conservative Accounts
by Dan Hart
Last week, a group of 15 state attorneys general sent a letter to the second largest bank in the U.S. demanding a report about its account policies and practices following a pattern of denied services and canceled accounts that appeared to target groups "for political and religious reasons."
Evangelical Voters Most Concerned over Immigration, Sovereignty, Abortion
by S.A. McCarthy
American evangelicals consider immigration, U.S. sovereignty, and abortion to be the top issues facing the nation heading into November's election, according to a new survey. Coral Ridge Ministries recently published its 2024 "Spiritual State of the Union" survey results, polling American evangelicals on everything from the economy to religious liberty to the president's approval rating.
Biden Declares Spiritual Warfare by Making Sign of the Cross at Pro-Abortion Rally
by Ben Johnson
Nearly two years after launching a "whole-of-government approach" to support the abortion industry, President Joe Biden has now invoked a Higher Power. At a campaign stop in Florida on Tuesday, Biden made the sign of the Cross in an apparent attempt to ward off pro-life legislation, mocked the notion that miracles happen in politics, and wondered aloud about "what the Hell is in" the Bible.
3 Arizona Republicans Vote for Bill Repealing Pro-Life Protections
by Sarah Holliday
Before Arizona was a state, the Arizona territorial legislature upheld a law that protects unborn children from abortion. Passed in 1864, the 160-year-old law was only reversed because of the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. But as Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler said recently on his daily podcast "The Briefing," "The game changer there was Roe v. Wade. The second game changer was the reversal of Roe v. Wade, nearly a half century later in 2022, the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court."


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