I wish more people appreciated these values and the work of Ayn Rand.


This email is different from anything I’ve ever sent before. It’s not about politics or policy per se, but something deeper: philosophy and literature.

Atlas Shrugged is indeed an important book, but my personal favorite novel by Ayn Rand is The Fountainhead — with its themes of independence and integrity. In fact, when I was first dating my girlfriend and saw a dog-eared copy of The Fountainhead on her bookshelf, I knew I’d found my soulmate!

We both resonated with the ideas of Ayn Rand: individualism, limited government, personal responsibility, and hard work! I wish more people appreciated these values and the work of Ayn Rand.

That’s why I’m sending you this urgent message about an organization I’m personally supporting, The Atlas Society, whose sole mission is to engage young people with the ideas of Ayn Rand.

Their CEO, Jennifer Grossman, has been my friend for thirty years — from our crusades for school choice as a supporter of my gubernatorial campaign to events she’s hosted for me in Malibu.

Today, she’s leading The Atlas Society, a non-profit organization creatively leveraging graphic novels, animated videos, and student events to spread Ayn Rand’s message of capitalism, reason, and entrepreneurship to young people. I promised Jennifer I would help her raise $20,000 to support the mission. Please click here to donate $10, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, or ANY amount >>>



(Here I am with my friend, Jennifer Grossman, CEO of The Atlas Society. Please support her work by making a donation here!)

Ayn Rand’s literature and philosophy fundamentally challenge the root causes of so many destructive movements we see today: the victim ideology that undergirds DEI and critical race theory, the postmodernist doctrines that promote transgenderism, the irrationality that fuels climate alarmism, and the authoritarianism that justified Covid lockdowns and mandates.

But The Atlas Society goes beyond challenging poisonous ideologies — it finds fun, creative, engaging ways to promote positive values: productivity, self-reliance, independence, and pride in achievement (not pride in immutable characteristics).

You can help The Atlas Society introduce these ideas to the next generation by clicking below and donating $10, $20, $50, or even $100 today.

There is a reason collectivist ideas like socialism and identity politics appeal to young people.

That’s because they are emotional

When you talk about freedom, capitalism, history, and individualism, these are intellectual arguments. Plus, there’s the added challenge that young people simply aren’t READING anymore. In the 1970s, 70% of young people read books every day just for fun — I know I did because that was when I read Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead!

Today, just 12% of young people read books daily for fun… so getting them to pick up a 1,000-page novel isn’t so easy!

That’s why The Atlas Society has turned Ayn Rand’s famous novels and screenplays into graphic novels to distribute at Comic Cons,  recruited pop artists to create music videos with Randian lyrics, published “Pocket Guides” to concepts like Socialism and Postmodernism, and even leveraged AI to produce book trailers to market Rand’s fiction.

And it’s working, with millions of young people watching, reading, and engaging with these ideas on social media and at events!

If you and I fail to reach more young people with a moral philosophy based on reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom, then the next generation will continue to embrace a culture of irrationalism, entitlement, victimhood, collectivism, and resentment.

You can free the younger generation from collectivist delusions and help The Atlas Society transform the next generation's mindset. Click any button to show your support.

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Changing our culture begins with PHILOSOPHY, and who better to do so than Ayn Rand? Her works have the power to revive the values that made this country great. I’ve seen some of the young people The Atlas Society is engaging — and their optimism is infectious!

That’s why I’m optimistic about the future.

And it’s that optimism I want you to invest in.

Your generous support will help The Atlas Society introduce Ayn Rand’s moral ideas to more young people. Please click below to inspire future generations.

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Thank you,

Larry Elder


The Atlas Society is a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
