I hope you’ll consider supporting my campaign

john, this is Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island.

Standing up for Rhode Islanders, to protect our beautiful state and everyone who lives here, is the reason I got into public service. Fighting for the Ocean State in the Senate is an honor, and I work hard to deliver results for Rhode Islanders and Americans every single day.

That’s why today I’m excited to share with you that I’m officially running for re-election in Rhode Island for the United States Senate.

Will you split a $10 donation between my campaign and Tina Smith’s to help me win and defend our Democratic Senate majority?

I’ve worked tirelessly to make health care affordable and accessible, lower the cost of prescription drugs, take on corporate greed, bring the climate fight right to the big oil companies, shine a light on corruption at the Supreme Court, protect access to abortion, and stand up for American democracy. That’s a lot, but I’m proud of it; as Nancy Pelosi said: “Persistent. Relentless.”

But this year, democracy itself is on the ballot. And as the chief antagonist of the dark money groups trying to bend democracy to their will, I need your help to win this thing.

If you send me back to the Senate this year, I won’t stop fighting to make our government and economy work for all Americans. I’ll tackle climate change before it’s too late. I’ll defend democracy and freedom here at home and abroad. I’ll fight to put a real check on corporate power. And I’ll make sure the highest earners finally start paying their fair share.

So I’m personally asking, john, will you split $10 between me and Tina Smith to help me reach my re-election launch fundraising goal, win in Rhode Island, and keep the Senate blue?

Thank you for all of your support. I could not do this without it.

— Sheldon Whitehouse