Dear Jack,


I'm wishing the best for you and your family during this difficult time. Every Monday, I'm sending you updates on what the COVID-19 situation looks like in Virginia, and the latest news on what we're doing to stop the spread and help those who are impacted by the virus.

Face Coverings in Public

Today, Governor Northam urged Virginians to adhere to the new CDC COVID-19 guidelines, which encourage the use of cloth face coverings when leaving the home. While the virus can move through fabric, covering your face while staying six feet away from other people can help prevent new infections. Please note: surgical masks and N-95 respirators should be reserved solely for medical personnel who are on the front lines of this crisis. You can learn how to make a DIY face mask here:

Paycheck Protection Program

One of the provisions of the federal CARES Act, which passed last month, is the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA). This is a federal loan intended to help small business owners keep their staff on the payroll. The loans are eligible for forgiveness if they are used to keep staff on the payroll for up to eight weeks, and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, and utilities. You can read more about the PPP here:

Virtual Town Hall with Del. Subramanyam and Dr. Goodfriend

On Thursday, Del. Suhas Subramanyam and I hosted a virtual town hall with Loudoun County Health Department Director Dr. David Goodfriend. You can see the full town hall above.

Religious Observances

In hard times like these, many of us turn to our faith communities for support and guidance. Several people have expressed to us that they're concerned about religious services being canceled due to social distancing restrictions. Fortunately, the Governor's office has put out some guidelines on how to conduct religious services safely, which can be found here:

"Attendees may travel to their place of worship, park in the parking lot and listen to the religious message while remaining in their vehicles. Participants must remain in their vehicle at all times, except as necessary to visit a restroom. There must be no more than 10 individuals leading the religious ceremony or functioning outside of the church in support of the religious ceremony.

Any interaction by the faith leaders and those in the vehicles must be strictly limited, such as using social distancing methods when passing out palms, serving Holy Communion using sealed or self-contained elements, and priests directing congregants to place ashes or water on their own forehead as opposed to priests applying the ashes or water directly on the foreheads of the congregants.

Any objects used for collecting monetary offerings shall not be passed from attendee to attendee but may be offered to attendees in a vehicle as along as the object stays in the possession of the person assisting with collection. Appropriate measures should be taken for the safety of those functioning outside of the cars. Faith communities should also adhere to any noise ordinances."

Coronavirus Numbers (4/6):

Confirmed Cases (US): 330,891
COVID-19 Deaths (US): 8,910
Tests performed (VA): 24,521
Confirmed Cases (VA): 2,878
Hospitalized (VA): 497
COVID-19 Deaths (VA): 54
Confirmed Cases (Loudoun): 188
COVID-19 Deaths (Loudoun): 4
Confirmed Cases (Prince William): 214
COVID-19 Deaths (Prince William): 3

SD13/Virginia Coronavirus Updates

We have launched a new page on my website,, for COVID-19 information: 

Here, you can find important health and safety updates, as well as resources for workers and employers impacted by COVID-19.

The Commonwealth of Virginia also has its own website for COVID-19 information and updates:

Here, you can follow the latest updates on what Virginia is doing to combat the spread of COVID-19 and help those affected by the crisis.

As always, please reach out to my office if you need any assistance. My Senate email address is [email protected] and my in-district phone number is (571) 367-9080. I hope you and your family are able to stay safe and healthy during these challenging times.


Senator John J. Bell
Senate of Virginia, 13th District

Senator Bell
Richmond Phone Number:
(804) 698-7513
District Phone Number: 
(571) 367-9080
Email Address:
Please contact me by phone or email if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about legislation or other state matters. I'd be happy to answer any questions!
Senator John Bell
900 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219

Paid for and Authorized by John Bell for State Senate

John Bell for State Senate
P.O. Box 4489
Broadlands VA 20148 United States