(I apologize that this email is a bit wordy.)
This campaign has a lot of moving parts. I know it can be hard to see how you fit into the puzzle.
But the 2024 election is less than seven months away. Your support between now and November is critical, and I’m prepared to back that up with facts.
Your support defies Republicans’ expectations.
IL-06 isn’t a “safe” blue seat, but Republicans sure as hell want you to believe it is.
Their goal is to lull Democrats into a sense of complacency. And then the moment your head is turned, they’ll sneakily install a MAGA loyalist in my place.
They’re expecting apathy from folks like you. But this strong, robust, energetic grassroots movement defies all their expectations. That’s how we’ll keep IL-06 blue and take back the House majority.
Your support proves that we’re united.
Pundits love to claim that Democrats are politically flailing and internally divided.
But with your help, we outperformed expectations in the Democratic Primary. we’re gearing up to shock the naysayers again in November.
Your grassroots support is concrete proof that we’re focused, united, and more than ready to take on the GOP together.
Your support counters the influence of the gun and fossil fuel lobbies – and their rich MAGA allies.
As a proud climate hawk, unapologetic critic of gun manufacturers and the fossil fuel industry, and outspoken opponent of the far right, there are a lot of folks who want to see me defeated.
I’m not easily intimidated. But going toe-to-toe with the right-wing money machine is a daunting task that will require a lot of resources between now and November.
Your contributions minimize Republicans’ high-dollar fundraising advantage.
Republicans have spent the last 20 years gutting campaign finance regulations to ensure they could benefit from unlimited spending by super PACs, wealthy megadonors, and special interest groups.
But they still haven’t been able to overtake Democrats when it comes to small-dollar grassroots fundraising.
That’s fine with me, because I’d prefer the support of 1,000 small-dollar grassroots donors over one shadowy MAGA puppeteer any day of the week.
For all those reasons and more, your support is key to winning this election and building a kinder, more democratic future for all of us. So please, can I count on you to pitch in $25 to help get us there?
— Sean Casten