
What we heard in yesterday’s arguments before the Supreme Court should make everyone’s blood run cold.

A graphic with a headline from The Washington Post dated April 24, 2024 which reads: “Conservative justices appear skeptical federal law requires emergency abortion care.”

The case centers on Idaho’s extreme abortion ban and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. Federal law says hospitals that take Medicare funding are required to provide life-saving medical care – even if that means performing an abortion.

Idaho says their state law supersedes federal law.

I’ll be blunt: There’s not a single person sitting on the bench of the United States Supreme Court who has the right to decide whether or not you receive emergency medical care. That decision belongs to doctors and patients. Not politicians and definitely not judges.

If the court rules against EMTALA they will open up a dangerous precedent where hospitals could refuse treatment for patients for all kinds of reasons.

...because they think the patient is a migrant.

...because they think the patient is trans.

...because they don’t like the patient’s skin color, or their religion.

...or just because they can’t afford to pay.

It will be open season for discrimination, and people WILL die.

Even if this case goes the right way and upholds federal law, Republicans like my opponent are currently pushing a bill that would impose a federal ban on abortion and a whole lot worse.

Coloradans support reproductive freedom. CO-04 deserves a representative who will respect your bodily autonomy and your right to emergency medical care – no matter what. Donate now to help me flip this seat and fight for you.

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In court yesterday we heard Justice Gorsuch ask “how close a patient needs to be to death to receive an abortion.”

Justice Sotomayor talked about a Florida woman who was sent home after a miscarriage but denied an abortion. She later became septic, collapsed, and nearly died.

Justice Kagan asked the lawyer for Idaho if he would concede that abortion is a valid medical treatment required in certain cases. He said no.

None of these people are doctors. This is not something to be decided in a courtroom.

These are medical decisions. No one but the patient and the doctors and nurses have any right to be involved.

John, if we don’t get Boebert out of power and take back the House majority, Republicans WILL pass a bill making this extreme abortion ban the law in EVERY state.

I need all hands on deck to fight back and flip this seat in November. Are you with me?

Semper Fi,

Ike McCorkle

Combat Wounded

U.S. Marine Corps, Retired

Democratic Candidate for CO-04

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