
The government's response to the coronavirus crisis continues to be wholly inadequate for the needs of working Americans - both in scope and in target, as leaders both fail to address the crisis at all and when they do, they prioritize the needs of the wealthy few over the needs of the many.

DSA chapters across the country have put out public demands lists to pressure their elected officials into responding to the needs of working people, and we'd like to do the same for our people here in Chattanooga.

Join us on Wednesday, April 8th at 7pm Eastern in Zoom for a meeting in which we'll draft our public demands list and create a publication plan to get it out to local media!

Click this link to join when it's time:

We'll review some selected points from other chapters' lists, discuss what's going on around Chattanooga that needs to be looked at, and formulate a specific, actionable demands list that empowers our working families and holds our elected representatives' feet to the fire.

It is an absolutely crucial time for our movement. Americans of all stripes are becoming more furious at our failed state by the day, and if we cede this critical moment to the capitalists, we risk allowing our country to slide into fascism at the hands of those who would work us to our literal deaths to save themselves a few pennies of profit. But we're not taking this lying down, and if you join us now, we can secure the future for the prosperity of all. The time is now.

We hope to see you on Wednesday! As always, hoping you are well and safe in these trying times, and if you're needing help or just feeling down, please reach out to us by replying to this email - we want to hear from you and be here for you.

Solidarity, forever.

Katie Keel
Chattanooga DSA Co-Chair

“Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization.
Progress is born of agitation.
It is agitation or stagnation.

― Eugene V. Debs
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