Fellow conservative – The sanctuary city crisis is worsening, especially under Joe Biden’s open border policies. 

I’m reaching out to ask you to make a grassroots donation of just $10 to keep Heritage Action’s fight going so we can force the Senate to make H.R. 2 the law of the land.

We need TRUE border security, fellow conservative. The House has done its part. Now we just need the Senate to do the same.

Click here to rush a donation to stand with us today.

Thank you,


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----------- Forwarded message -----------
From: Ryan Walker
Date: April 24, 2024
Subject: cops > illegals


Fellow conservative,

Our police and firefighters – the very backbone of American safety and security – are under attack… again. The far left is defunding our cops and firefighters so that money goes directly to illegal aliens.

Yes, you read that right. 

Americans’ hard-earned money is being pulled from public safety to fund Joe Biden’s open-border policies.


This is what happens when cities all across the nation decide to become sanctuary cities. Denver’s Democratic mayor called these illegal immigrants mere “newcomers,” but the truth is that these so-called “newcomers” are housed, clothed, fed, and given welfare while politicians put Americans’ well-being on the back burner.


Fellow conservative, it’s time to:

Right now, my team is on Capitol Hill, pushing the Senate to adopt H.R. 2, the only TRUE border security bill – but we need YOUR help, fellow conservative.

Want to see the Senate adopt H.R. 2 and FINALLY secure our border? Sign our petition today.


Thank you,

Ryan Walker

Executive Vice President, Heritage Action

Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002
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