two girls standing next to each other with the text today is world malaria day

Hi friend,

Did you know that school-age children have been neglected in the fight against malaria – despite 200 million of them being at risk and the fact that they might play a major role in transmission?

Our Accelerator has been exploring a promising malaria intervention – it’s called intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in school-age children, or IPTsc (it’s a mouthful otherwise!). It could be a gamechanger in the global fight against this disease. Since today is World Malaria Day, we’re giving you insight into what we’ve discovered so far about IPTsc, and what we think is still needed to further advance it in our Accelerator pipeline.

So, here is the first update in our new blog series, Inside the Accelerator! As we continue to evaluate global health solutions — digging into evidence, testing interventions in the real world – we want to bring you along with us.

Go inside the Accelerator