Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan met up to talk about the craziest conspiracy theories you’ve never heard of




Two of the biggest names in right-wing misinformation — Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan — joined forces last week. We will explain more in a moment, but if you’re ready to help us stop the spread of misinformation from guys like Rogan and Carlson, please consider contributing $15 today.

The interview aired on The Joe Rogan Experience and it went about as badly as you’d expect:

John, these may sound like the ramblings of a madman, but the fact remains that Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan are two of the biggest names in online media right now.

Carlson’s weekday video posts reach at least 2 million views daily, with some reaching up to 30 million people.

And Joe Rogan? His podcast is still #1 on Spotify.

And, while stakes are low when Carlson and Rogan talk about wacky theories about aliens, it’s dramatically more dangerous when they push radical right-wing conspiracies about election lies, vaccines, and American foreign policy.

Remember Carlson’s softball interview with Vladimir Putin? 

John, we built COURIER to stand up to these guys and to correct their BS before it spreads.

We stop right-wing misinformation at its source by providing factual, free local news to those who need it most. 

We meet people in their inboxes and on their social media feeds – where they’re most likely to encounter right-wing misinformation like this – and inoculate them against ridiculous right-wing propaganda with facts.

With the 2024 election in full swing, our work has never been more critical. Since we give our news for free, without a paywall or subscription service, we need your help to keep our teams reporting and correcting the record. Can we count on you to give $15 to support our mission?

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