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Hi John,

We’re excited to announce the appointment of Anna Tumadóttir as CC’s new Chief Executive Officer 🎉

Anna has held multiple roles at CC since joining in 2019, most recently Deputy CEO. She is committed to working with the Global Network and community to raise the profile and use of CC Licenses around the world. 

“Anna has been a source of stability as well as a catalyst for CC’s future direction throughout her time at CC. The Board is looking forward to her leading the team with her experience, thoughtfulness, and commitment to removing barriers, improving workflows and effectiveness, and sharing openly as part of a robust knowledge commons,” says CC’s Board Chair Delia Browne.

We invite you to learn more about Anna and future plans for CC here.

The CC Team love_cc

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This email features a CC staff photo of Anna Tumadóttir licensed under CC BY 4.0. 

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