From The John Birch Society <[email protected]>
Subject FREEDOM Is The Solution!
Date April 6, 2020 10:14 PM
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FREEDOM Is The Cure!
As the federal and state governments continue to trample over our rights and freedoms, many Americans are beginning to push back against these draconian measures. We are seeing that the government is creating this hysteria to gain more control over us while taking our freedom in the process. We must continue to push back and show other Americans that more government control is not the answer. FREEDOM is the cure and is the only way to stop the hysteria created over this virus.

To combat this, we are offering a FREE PDF of the "Freedom Is the Cure" special report of The New American magazine (April 20, 2020 issue) to help you understand what is being done and why. We ask that you click the link below to read this magazine, and share it with others! We are also printing many more thousands than we normally would, so please order some now ([link removed]) , so you can distribute to others, especially after this tyranny is lifted. Use the issue as the main tool to assemble an ad hoc committee, so we can hit the ground running when the clampdown orders are lifted!
Download FREE PDF Here! ([link removed])
The Constitution is the Solution!
Unfortunately today, many Americans believe that government is here to solve our problems when really it is just a negative force that needs to be controlled through constitutional limitations. This video here ([link removed]) does a great job showing what the proper role of the government should be especially in a crisis situation. We have a great opportunity to show others the proper role of government as set up by our Founding Fathers.

A great way to do this is by hosting a workshop and taking them through the Constitution using our 6-part lecture series called The Constitution is the Solution ([link removed]) which comes with lecture guides to help you through the video. Before the lockdowns, members across the country were holding these workshops in person but now we are making it easy for you to do this online.

Stating TOMORROW we will be hosting our first Watch Party on Facebook where we will be diving into the first topic of the series, the Dangers of Democracy. Starting every Tuesday at 10 AM central time we will be providing these videos on Facebook and will be interacting with you in the live chat section. The whole series can also be found at our YouTube channel here ([link removed]) ! For those unfamiliar with a Watch Party please follow the link below to see how you can not only watch our live Watch Party tomorrow but how you can host your own!
Join/Host Watch Parties! ([link removed])
TNA Insight

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Get your copy of The New American magazine's special report: CORONA VIRUS: Freedom is the Cure ([link removed])

Worldwide, including in the United States, most governments’ answer to the COVID-19 pandemic is to eliminate personal freedoms. This issue covers where we have gone, where we are going, and where we should go.
JBS Weekly Videos!
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Americans supporting this government lockdown are not seeing that our basic God-given rights are under assault. We’ll discuss that in this episode of Analysis Behind the News ([link removed]) .
With "Stay at Home" orders in place, many question what is essential. Dr. Duke discusses with Pastor Paul Blair what Americans are witnessing when it comes to religion in this week's Constitution Corner ([link removed]) .
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Christian Gomez explores how emergency orders being issued by state governors are trampling on the Constitutional rights and freedoms of American citizens in this week's Straight Talk ([link removed]) .
Wayne Morrow and guest Christian Gomez discuss the $2 Trillion ($6 Trillion?) CARES Act. They dive into the money and ponder where it actually goes in this episode of Matter of Action ([link removed]) .
JBS Affiliates

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Freedom Project Academy

Dr. Duke discusses how amid the Coronavirus pandemic, Harvard just fired some of its workers despite having a $40 billion war chest. College students across the country not only demand the end of classes, but a refund of tuition and straight A’s. Plus, a children’s video company, promoted by public schools across the nation, pushes abortion on pre-teens while calling crisis pregnancy centers ‘fake clinics.'

All of this and more on the Dr. Duke Show ([link removed]) .
Activate America

It's up to JBS members to once again lead the way to show that our God-given rights are not negotiable. Here are the latest "Activate America" videos for you to use to help stay active and to continue to pass our information along. We have an excellent opportunity to wake up America. Let's do so!

* World Leader Calls for "Temporary" Global Government? ([link removed])
* What's Really Going On ([link removed])
* What to Do About COVID-19 Crackdown ([link removed])
* How Patriots Can Weather the Storm ([link removed])
* Do Emergencies Trump Liberty? ([link removed])
* Staying Active When America's Locked Down ([link removed])

If you haven't already, sign up below for our legislative email alerts which cover congressional legislation, but do include state legislation on certain critical topics.

Top Federal Alerts!
1. Stop Out-of-Control State Governments ([link removed])
2. Bring Production of Our Meds Back to the U.S ([link removed]) .
3. Stop Extreme Gun-Control Bills H.R. 5717 & S. 3524 ([link removed])
4. Full list of federal alerts here ([link removed]) !
Click the link below to see what is happening in your state and how you can get more involved! Also contact your local coordinator for more information!

Act Now: State Legislative Alert Map ([link removed])
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Stay Connected:

** TNA Top Daily Headlines ([link removed])
| ** JBS News Update ([link removed])
| ** Legislative Action Alerts ([link removed])
** Facebook ([link removed])
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** YouTube ([link removed])
The John Birch Society is dedicated to bringing about less government, more responsibility, and - with God's help - a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.

Our mailing address is:
770 N Westhill Blvd | Appleton, Wisconsin 54914 | United States

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