Last Week AVFCA Launched Our New Magazine:
A Voice Unfiltered
Please Help to Get a Copy to Every CA State Legislator!

A Voice for Choice Advocacy has nearly sold out of our inaugural copy of A Voice Unfiltered. If you ordered one, it should be arriving in your mailbox in the next few days.
Take Action: One of AVFCA's goals with this magazine is to have 120 CA State Senators and Assembly Members, as well as their staff, to read A Voice Unfiltered. Why you may ask? To share with them some of our informative and educational articles which raise awareness of alternative health practices, outside of mainstream approaches, as well as increase their perception of the positive work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing.
If you paid for a magazine to go to a legislator already...THANK YOU! The cost of magazines for 42 CA legislators has already been covered. Only 78 to go!
AVFCA needs your Help! For only $12.50 you will cover the cost of a copy of A Voice Unfiltered being delivered to a CA legislator and there staff. Please purchase one (or more) today!
Reminder: AVFCA Spring Store Sale Ends Tuesday April 30, 2024
Sale: Get 10% off all Books, DVDs and More!*
Use Code: AVFCA10Spring
A Voice for Choice Advocacy is one of only two 501(c)4 non-profits in California focused on Health and Medical Freedom. Unlike 501(c)3 non-profits who have to limit lobbying to a maximum of 20% of their efforts, a 501(c)4 is allowed to spend 100% of their time on lobbying and advocacy. No other organization in California has the legislative expertise or experience to continue to lead this Medical Freedom movement at the Sacramento Capitol. A Voice for Choice, our 501(c)3 focuses on education, through our weekly articles and projects such as Non Toxic Schools.
Our amazing Editorial and Legislative Teams are compensated for their work and are our largest annual expense. They are worth their weight in gold, but we need your support to keep them working for AVFCA and AVFC.
Buy from A Voice for Choice Advocacy today, so we can continue doing this critical work!
For those not wanting to purchase anything but wanting to support A Voice for Choice Advocacy or A Voice for Choice:

If you don't want to use Stripe, you can send a check, use Venmo or use Zelle:
Send Check to: A Voice for Choice Advocacy, 530 Showers Drive #7404, Mountain View CA 94040
Send Venmo to: @avoiceforchoice (Note: you have to search under "Business" to find us)
Send Zelle to: [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your generosity. Together we can make change happen!
*AVFCA Merchandise and A Voice Unfiltered Magazine not included
View this email as a webpage:
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
