Operation Twice The Impact: Complete!
A person at a protest holding up a sign covered in beautiful flowers saying

Hello John,

Last Thursday, we shared our mission to raise £30,000 which the Big Give would match. Impressively, within four days this movement pulled together and smashed it!

🎉 🥳  XRUK will now receive a whopping £65,721 - thank you! 🥳 🎉

This has made a massive dent in our goal to raise £500,000 this year. And, if you ever wonder what donations go towards, here are just a few examples: 

✅ Creating actions of all sizes 

Resourcing local groups across the UK
Exposing the real climate criminals

Fighting for climate justice and truth

Spreading awareness to tackle greenwashing 

Building alliances to amplify demands for urgent change

There’s no change without actions. Join us at Restore Nature Now on 22nd June in London!

Thank you for recognising the power of rebelling - united by our shared love for Earth and everything on it! You are invaluable to this movement.

Unite to Survive, 
XRUK Fundraising Team


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