US, Qatar and Iran: Release the Hostages!
by Michel Calvo • April 25, 2024 at 5:00 am
The United States, France, Germany, Russia and Argentina, who had dual nationals taken hostage, did not try to bomb Hamas infrastructure and places where Hamas hid. Instead, they let Israel do it and then accused Israel of destroying the Gaza Strip.
Rather than putting any pressure on Qatar and demonstrating in front of Qatari-owned hotels in France, the United States and elsewhere in Europe, the families of the hostages have been putting pressure on the Israeli government, thereby doing exactly what Hamas would presumably like them to do. They are "working" for Hamas -- and against their own interests -- in the hope of seeing more hostages released. By their actions the value of the hostages only increases.
The demonstrators are doing what Hamas cannot do by itself: they are dividing Israel so that the unity government loses its strength in the negotiations, as well as any ability to bring the hostages home sooner -- a triumph that was successfully accomplished by the IDF, left unfettered.
The hostages are not the Israeli government's to deliver. They are unfortunately under the total the control of Hamas, Qatar and Iran --which is where the pressure should be applied, not on the government of Israel.
The only way a new Israeli government might negotiate the release of hostages would be by placing Israel's entire population in incalculable danger. Any new Israeli leader hand-picked and pushed through by the current US administration would most likely be expected to agree to a terrorist Palestinian state next to Israel -- meaning that the Israel would not be able to cross its border, if necessary, in "hot pursuit" of terrorists, and that the new state would soon be militarized, officially or not. Even if a new, sovereign Palestinian state were supposedly demilitarized, it would still be free to form alliances with any other entity it liked, including Iran, Al Qaeda or ISIS.
Qatar said it would invest in France 10 billion euros and in exchange France said it would be happy to try to save the terrorist group Hamas.... Everyone wins -- except the hostages held by Hamas.
Without the US military base there, Qatar knows that it would be a rich, targetable oil-rig. America, "in exchange," it seems, agreed to let Hamas continue its terrorist activities support the US quest for a Palestinian state. No remaining hostages were released; perhaps they were not even talked about.
Even though American citizens are among those still held hostage in Gaza, the US appears to have sided with the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups, and their terrorist-supporting patrons, Qatar and Iran.

This is not the first time that Muslims have launched attacks against non-Muslims and taken hostages.
We did not hear the President of the Cairo's Al-Azhar University, nor Egypt and Jordan, Muslim states that entered into a peace agreement with Israel, condemn Hamas for having taking Israeli, American, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Filipino and Thai hostages.
They could not condemn it: taking captives is authorized by the Qur'an (9:5; 23:1-5; and 70: 30-35), so long as the captives are not Muslims. ISIS accordingly justified transforming Yazidi hostages into sex slaves.
Biden (USA), Cameron (GB), Macron (F), Scholz (D), Harris (IRL), Jakobsdóttir (IS), Sánchez (E), Meloni (IT), Golob (SLO), however, appeared surprised. They and their respective advisors were apparently not aware of that fact.