Hey John,

April: Green Party Deputy Leader Zack Polanski and elected Assembly Member will come to Newham building on the campaign for Assembly Members and a Green Mayor.

We have 3 Assembly Members? holding the Labour Mayor to account. Ensure we keep Zack elected as an Assembly Member!


Coming Up For Newham Green Party:

Make Royal Victoria Green

We can get more Green's elected to City Hall, here is how you can help:


  • Join us to deliver leaflets in the evenings, usually around 7pm-8.30pm, depending on availabilities: details come through Whatsapp and E-mails.
  • Taking some leaflets to deliver in your own time. You will be given a map and a route, we will drop them off and you go in your own time.?

I want to help but I cannot leaflet?

Leafleting gains votes and we have run up a large cost for them. With a General Election looming and no funds in the back-up, a monthly donation of ?10 would make a massive difference.

Let's make a last push for London,
I will be as many others, I hope to see you there.



Cllr Danny Keeling

Councillor for Stratford Olympic Park

& Agent for Mayor and Assembly List

Promoted by Danny Keeling on behalf of London Assembly Member list and Zo? Garbett for Mayor at 89 John Barnes Walk, London, E15 4SY