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Dear Friend,

I'm reaching out to you today because we're at a tipping point. This weekend, my opponent, Jimmy Gomez, voted to send $26 billion of our tax dollars to bolster Israel's military—funds that fuel an ongoing conflict and devastate countless Palestinian lives, including innocent children in Gaza.
While families suffer and are displaced by the thousands, Jimmy chose to defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—one of the few lifelines for Palestinians in desperate need. This isn't just poor judgment; it's a betrayal of human decency.
Why would he do this? Follow the money: Jimmy Gomez has pocketed nearly $150,000 from AIPAC and the pro-Israel lobby. His decisions are bought and paid for. We can't let this stand.
It's time to show Washington that our district will not endorse leaders who trade lives for lobby checks. We deserve someone in Congress who stands for justice and humanity, not special interests.

Will you stand with me?

We need your support to bring true representation to our district. Every dollar you donate fuels our fight against the corrupt influence of big money in politics. Let's send a message that we are stronger than their dollars and deeper than their pockets.

Donate Now
Together, we can reclaim integrity and compassion in our politics. Join me in this fight for justice, peace, and a truly representative democracy.

Thank you for your bravery and support.

In solidarity,
David Kim
P.S. Consider making your support monthly—sustained contributions make all the difference!
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