john, we’re less than a week away from our first end-of-month deadline of the new quarter, so we have to ask:

Will you pitch in to help Tina hit her April grassroots fundraising goal?

The election will be here before we know it, john, and we need to do all we can to reach voters in Minnesota and across the country to let them know the stakes of this election.

From defending reproductive rights and protecting Social Security to passing climate protections and comprehensive gun safety legislation, so much is at stake if the Senate chamber flips from blue to red.

Tina is hard at work shoring up support for her Democratic colleagues across the country. Senators like Jon Tester, Jacky Rosen, and Bob Casey are all up for election running in toss-up races in battleground states, and we all need to do our part to defend these competitive seats.

john, can you chip in $5 or more toward Tina’s end-of-month fundraising goal so she can help protect the Democratic Senate Majority?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We appreciate your support ahead of this deadline. Thanks!

— Team Tina