Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Budzinski, Miller push USPS to maintain operations at Champaign mail processing center
— WAND, March 4, 2024

Team, we’ve got to talk about the mail.

Millions of folks across the nation depend on an efficient and effective mail system in order to receive medication, stay connected with family members, and so much more. The United States Postal Service provides steady, good-paying jobs for many families, jobs that our communities rely on to keep food on the table. 

Nikki is reaching across the aisle to work towards real solutions to ensure that our mail carriers are protected and mail services are efficient in every single neighborhood.

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The mail shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Everyone deserves a postal service that is reliable, efficient, and gets our letters and packages where they need to go. The cuts and lack of investment that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has made have negatively impacted communities in every part of the country.

Thanks for sticking with us in this fight, 

Team Nikki