I can win this election, but we can't do it without your help.
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I can win this election, but we can't do it without your help.
Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear Friend,
The election of 2024 will shape our nation for generations to come. The policies that can meet our challenges lie outside the two established parties. That is why I am running as an independent for President.
If either Biden or Trump are elected, change will only graze the surface; we’re likely to see minor shifts in policy areas like taxation or abortion rights, but not the sweeping reforms we so desperately need.
Are you with me? We can beat both parties, but to do so, we need widespread engagement from our rapidly expanding base of supporters.
As someone who has stood with us before, please consider making another contribution—whether it's $25, $50, or any amount you can spare.
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Here are three reasons why I say, this is a crossroads moment:
    1. Neither President Biden nor President Trump will navigate us through the looming debt crisis that threatens our country's very foundation.
    2. Neither has the vision or confidence to disentangle us from perpetual foreign conflicts and halt the relentless cycle of these forever wars.
    3. Neither have much awareness of the vested interests that have captured Congress and our federal agencies — whether it’s the defense industry’s grip on the DoD, Big Pharma’s influence on the NIH, CDC, and FDA, or the USDA’s subservience to Big Ag.
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How do I know? Their records show it. Neither one is prepared to depart from the well-worn path of politics as usual.
Well, I am prepared. I will end the wars, I will protect our freedoms, and I will reclaim our government for the people. America will become once again an example to the world, a champion of peace and prosperity.
That's why I am committed to winning this election. I have no Plan B. Will you join me in that commitment? Let us not stand by and wait for someone else. The time to act is now.
Donate $25
Donate $50
Thank you for stepping up to donate. I know I can count on you!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
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Kennedy-Shanahan 24

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