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Texas is ready for a game changer

Hi John, 


There was a lot of competition for this year’s “Definitely Not A Scientist” award. Politicians just couldn’t help but prove Abraham Lincoln’s point: It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. But among all the qualified candidates, there was a clear winner.


Today, as we celebrate Earth Week, we present the “Definitely Not A Scientist” award to MAGA Republican Congressman, John Carter, for speaking (repeatedly) and removing all doubt.

Republican John Carter win's our "Definitely Not a Scientist" Award

This year’s winner is John Carter, who is definitely not a scientist.

It takes a lot more than merely not being a scientist to bring home this coveted award. We’re looking for candidates who treat science with the same level of suspicion as they would treat a teenager’s excuse for breaking curfew. Candidates who understand that scholars who’ve devoted their lives to understanding and explaining the world around us deserve our disdain, not our respect. And we found the perfect anti-science candidate in John Carter.


Carter’s contributions to the anti-science cause are legendary, but we were particularly impressed by his explanation of the big-science conspiracy to impose a global dictatorship:

“We may or may not even be in a warming cycle. Even if we are, scientific evidence does not conclude that activity by man plays any significant role.


“The reason for the lies is because the goal of these people is not to protect the environment, it is to implement a socialistic one-world government that has dictatorial control over every human activity, led by tyrannical liberal elites.


“Global warming is simply a chicken-little scheme to use mass media and government propaganda to convince the world that destruction of individual liberties and national sovereignty is necessary to save mankind, and that the unwashed masses would destroy themselves without the enlightened global dictatorship of these frauds.


“We do face a global threat. But it is not global warming, it is global tyranny from this crowd of liars – the Warmers.”

We would also like to share how John Carter ended this particular screed:

“The Warmers are back. We have a fight on our hands. Our freedom and independence is at stake. Truth is our best weapon, and we need to make sure every American voter has an ample supply by November.”

Warmly yours,


— Team Whitlow
Stuart Whitlow for Congress, TX-31

Coach Stuart on the court
Democrat Stuart Whitlow has been fighting for Texans for over two decades — on and off the court, and in and out of the courtroom. But to take on MAGA extremist and anti-science Congressman John Carter, Stuart will need all of us on his team.  
Join Coach Stuart today in the fight against extremism and chip in now to support our campaign »





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