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Tomorrow, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments over whether a former president is immune from prosecution for conduct during his time in office.  

How do Americans view government accountability?  

The vast majority of both Democrats (87%) and Republicans (86%) believe the president must always obey the law and the courts, according to a 2021 World Justice Project (WJP) survey.  

However, the proportion of Americans who believe that high-ranking government officials would actually be held accountable for breaking the law has plummeted.  

In 2013, almost two-thirds of Americans—65%— believed a lawbreaking leader would face consequences if the evidence were clear. By 2021, less than a quarter of Americans —24%— agreed. 

WJP will again ask Americans about accountability when we conduct our U.S. general population poll this summer. How Supreme Court justices respond to immunity arguments tomorrow may help shape people’s views. 

What won’t change is how central accountability is to healthy rule of law.   

What is the Rule of Law?

For a short primer on what to watch for in oral arguments, see Courthouse News

Donald Trump pits presidential power against rule of law at Supreme Court 

Will you stand for rule of law?

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