John – this is a dire situation. Republicans just launched a brazen attack to unseat 37 of our Democrats and expand their fragile majority. As House Democratic Chair, I can’t let their vicious attacks go unanswered. I’m asking you personally, John: Will you rush in $15 to fund my rapid response and help me send resources to every Democrat at risk of being trampled by Republicans’ vicious attacks? >>

John, I don’t have a second to waste:

– Republicans just launched an attack on 37 of our Democrats.

– The latest polls show we’re leading the race for Congress by TWO points.

– But if enough voters are manipulated by Republicans’ vicious, anti-Democratic attacks, our chances of taking back the House will plummet.

That’s why I have a plan: As House Democratic Chair, I’m launching a swift and powerful response to build the strongest foundation for victory Democrats have ever seen. If 2,000 Democrats answer my call and rush in $15 before midnight, we can send critical resources to drown out Republicans’ attacks, grow our lead in the polls, and win a historic victory to take back the House. If we don’t respond quickly, Mike Johnson and his MAGA allies will buy themselves another two years in power. We cannot let that happen, John. Please, will you help me hit my goal? >>

Let me be clear, John.

Just look at what Republicans are trying to do:

BAN abortion
REPEAL our healthcare
EVISCERATE Social Security and Medicare

It’s unspeakable, and I won’t let their hateful, radical agenda succeed.

I’ll be blunt: With all the harm Republicans are causing right now, we can NEVER allow them to hold power again. The future of our country depends on what we do in this moment. I’m humbly asking for 2,000 gifts before midnight to launch my defense. Can I count on you to be one of the last contributors I need to hit my goal and defend our Democrats? >>

Thank you,


Democratic Majority Fund
499 S Capitol St SW
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20003
United States
Paid for by Democratic Majority Fund

Suzan DelBene is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

As DCCC Chair, she’s fighting to help working families, flip the House, and protect America from Republicans’ dangerous agenda.

We know you’re receiving a lot of emails – but it’s only because what we’re fighting for is so important.

Suzan is committed to doing whatever it takes to elect a record-breaking number of Democrats in 2024 and beyond. Can we count on your support?


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